Mio Gesù, mio Dio, questo luogo è santo, è santificato dalla tua divina Presenza; fa che io non m'accosti senza deporre prima i calzari delle inutili preoccupazioni, delle distrazioni, di tutto ciò che potrebbe anche menomamente allontanarmi da Te. Mio Gesù, fa che io mi porti a questa santa azione col fervore di un Serafino.
O Gesù, come Tu realmente ti immoli, benchè in modo incruento, così fa che anch'io mai rifugga dall'immolarmi con Te e per Te. Gesù, dolce Gesù, the sacramental species are the veil that you lie in your Divine Sacrifice, to cover the eyes of Thy creatures and the mysterious silence is like a shadow, in which the more you conceal, but does not cease to be a true sacrifice, renewal of the sacrifice of Calvary, I believe, O Jesus, with all my heart! Jesus, increase my faith. My God, the God of Love, You in Your thirst for the salvation of souls, looking for victims who want to sacrifice in union with Thee. My Jesus, the spirit is willing but the flesh is sick and oh, what recoils from the thought of suffering! But you souls, Jesus, did not you redeemed at the cost of your blood. My Jesus, give me a 'zeal for the health of anime ... Thou canst, O Jesus, my only love, sovereign of my soul Well, that run like a giant to sacrifice all of yourself for my sake, let me follow you to the smell of your perfumes. In odorem unguentorum tuorum currimus .
Jesus, I ask one more favor, and are sure to get the boundless goodness of Thy sweetest Heart: the grace, O Jesus, you begin to really love you, love you with a strong love, which sacrifices of food and always continue more expensive and more intimate and known only to you, if possible.
My Jesus, deign with Thy grace give me what you want from me and let me also be generous in giving you what you ask me. Amen. Viva
Jesus and Mary! God Bless!