Ordinary of the Mass according to the Ordo Missae in force before the liturgical reform current
[Missale Romanum promulgated by Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Rites on 23 June 1962, just the Motu Proprio Rubricarum instructum of Pope John XXIII on 23 July 1960]
(PART SACRIFICIAL: Preface, Canon)
[The parties and explain the directions to the faithful, all derived from Rubricae Generales Missalis Romans, are related to the celebration of Holy Mass (celebrated as a Sunday), you will find specific information in the text where it was considered appropriate to provide some additional clarification.]
[All parts of S. Mass ranging recited or sung by the Minister and the faithful are in bold type and preceded by the letter M -]
[For the Italian version of the Latin text we used the translation of S. Bertola, G. Destefani that has been with for many decades the bilingual missals used widely by the faithful since the '800, in particular the Roman Missal with bilingual commentary DG Father Lefebvre, OSB, presented by Cardinal Fossati, Archbishop of Turin, in 1936 and reprinted until 1960]
Due to the length, we have divided the text into several parts:
- Preparation S. Mass
- Preparation of holy water sprinkling
- Ordinary: Part instructive: from Psalm 42 homily
- Ordinary: Part sacrificial Creed, Offertory
- Ordinary: sacrificial part: Preface, Canon
- Ordinary: Part of the Church: Communion leave, leave, Last Gospel
- Prayers at the foot of the altar after the S. Mass read
- Thanksgiving after Holy Mass
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