was born in Siena in 1769, came to Rome I was married and had seven children, "including housework and although they should, with hard work, earn a living for himself and for his own, of exceptional holiness shone . fulfilled with such clear vision of religious obligations as a wife and mother to become the perfect model. Although taken by many large family, he devoted himself to works of mercy, particularly among the poor and sick, full of virtue, he died in 1847. Le He is buried in the parish church of San Crisogono.
Prayer O God, greatness of the humble, che nella beata Anna Maria Taigi hai donato alle madri di famiglia un sublime esempio di carità e pazienza, e al mondo un vivo ideale di vita cristiana, fa' che, per i suoi esempi e le sue virtù, possiamo camminare con cuore gioioso, nelle vie del mondo, aperti all'amore di Cristo e del suo Vangelo. Per Cristo nostro Signore. Amen.
Per notizie, comunicazione di grazie ricevute, richiesta di biografie, reliquie ecc. rivolgersi a: Vice-Postulazione B. Anna Maria Taigi, Piazza Sonnino, 44 - I-00153 Roma.