Tuesday, July 31, 2007

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Prayer of St. Francis in the SS. Virgin

Hail, holy Lady, most holy Queen, Mother of God, Mary! You were elected to be the Blessed Virgin ever since the Heavenly Father, whom you anointed with his holy and beloved Son and the Holy Spirit Paraclete. In you is and was all the fullness of grace and all good. Hail His Palace: Hail His Tabernacle: Hail, his home: Hail suo vestimento. Ave, Figlia ed Ancella dell'Altissimo Re Padre cèleste, Madre santissima del Signor Nostro Gesù Cristo, Sposa dello Spirito Santo. A te ci rivolgiamo perchè, insieme all'Arcangelo S. Michele e a tutte le Virtù dei cieli e a tutti i Santi, preghi per noi il tuo dilettissimo Figlio, Signor nostro e Maestro, che con lo stesso Padre e Spirito Santo vive e regna nei secoli dei secoli. Così sia.

Concediamo 200 giorni d'indulgenza. Bonav. Card. Cerretti, Delegato Pontificio per la Basilica. - (Perugia) Santa Maria degli Angeli

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Prayer recited that S. Francis of Assisi Crucifix

Great God, Gloria full day and you, my Lord Jesus Christ, I pray you to enlighten and to dispel the darkness of my spirit, to give me a pure faith, a firm hope and perfect charity. Take, O my God, I know you well and do everything behind your light and conforms to your holy will. Amen.

Indulgence of 300 days each time. Plenary indulgence once a month under the usual conditions. With ecclesiastical approval. - Alterocca - Terni

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forward this to your feet, or Jesus Prayer to Saint Helena

at your feet, O Jesus, son rose thorns - are the joys of the cross - the food is suffering - it is sweet to die.