Monday, April 27, 2009

Before And After Bunionette


Comunicato stampa- La Vía Campesina

(Treviso, 21 aprile 2009)
La prima riunione del G8 agricolo che terminata ieri a Cison di Valmarino ha prodotto una dichiarazione che non solo ammette i propri fallimenti del passato ma che prevede anche un futuro pieno di contaddizioni. Il G8 non potrà mai eliminare la fame nel mondo prendendo decisioni a porte chiuse, in assenza degli attori principali del dibattito mondiale sull’agricoltura, i milioni di contadini e famiglie di agricoltori, uomini e donne, che alimentano il mondo.

L’affermazione del G8 che "i contadini devono essere i principali protagonisti" suona particolarmente vuota quando la meeting this weekend was explicitly planned to restrict access to farmers' organizations and reduce their visibility. The G8 has made the meeting in a secluded castle in the mountains and the Italian Minister of Agriculture has refused to meet representatives of civil society organizations, Italian and international calling to express their opinions.

The final text produced by the G8 is extremely contradictory. It recognizes the role of producers of food and the crisis in rural areas but does not propose a real strategy that could overcome the crisis. The statement, on the one hand says to put "Agriculture and Rural Development. At the center of crescita economica rinforzando il ruolo dell’agricoltura familiare e dei piccoli agricoltori ed il loro accesso alla terra" e, dall’altra parte parla di "raggiungere una conclusione equilibrata, globale e ambiziosa del Ciclo di Doha", due politiche che sono fra loro incompatibili: l’OMC ha mostrato ripetutamente che produce effetti catastrofici sull’agricoltura contadina perché liberalizza i mercati agricoli e privatizza le risorse naturali.

La dichiarazione, inoltre, appoggia la creazione dell’Alleanza Mondiale per l’Agricoltura e l’Alimentazione, riconoscendo, allo stesso tempo, il ruolo centrale della FAO, due posizioni che non possono stare assieme.
Le istituzioni esistenti dell’ONU will remain at the core of the solution to the current crisis, not the World Bank and the IMF World represented by the Alliance.

Despite contradictory nature of the declaration, the G8 has admitted at least something that was absolutely obvious to the rest of the world for many years, the world has totally failed in its attempts to reduce by half the number of hungry people on earth by 2015, in correspondence with the goals of the millennium. It is precisely the policies of the G8, imposed on Southern countries to bear responsibility.

Any real policy to focus on farmers and farming and sustainable agriculture would reject the agenda of free trade and the Global Alliance and would allow states to protect the rights of their people working and eating. The peasants and farmers, who represent about half the population of the world, are the first to be affected by hunger and malnutrition.

Representatives of the international movement of farmers of Via Campesina gathered in Treviso this weekend to raise awareness of their alternatives. Their demands are simple: to enable people and countries to define and protect their agricultural systems, without causing harm to others. Transform the agro-exporting model of the north and south in a more sustainable local production-based, family-based agriculture. Speaking at the seminar organized Italian Platform for Food Sovereignty, Ibrahim Coulibaly, president of CNOP (Comité Nacional de Organizaciones Campesinas) in Mali said very clearly: "Africa can feed itself, are not necessary agricultural policies imposed by an illegitimate group of rich countries. ! the role of the G8 is not to decide on International Agricultural Policy "

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Why Do I Need A Cryocautery

Treviso - Benetton Megastore closed and surrounded by barbed wire

Friday, April 17, 2009

Intitle ‘live View /axis

De Gustibus + Benoit Martiny Band in concert at Boneca

Dear DeGustanti,

is with great pleasure that we invite you on Sunday 19 April to attend the concert of Benoit Martiny Band ( ) that we organized together with Gabriel Giannelli of Tenuta La Boneca.

Starting at 17 "will open the gates" and we look forward, equipped with deck and with a great desire to dance!
picnic / afternoon appetizer buffet with free-product and then De Gustibus, the 19 or so, the concerto della band.

Il costo della giornata è di 10 Euro per i soci e di 12 Euro per i non soci (che riceveranno la tessera De Gustibus all'entrata) e comprende:
- concerto, la prima consumazione (bicchiere di vino o birra), buffet libero con prodotti dei nostri produttori associati.

Una volta associati, potrete rifornirvi di vini e birre del gruppo d'acquisto DeGustibus al banco allestito per l'occasione.
Troverete birre bavarese in bottiglia da mezzo litro, vino Chianti sfuso; vini DOCG e IGT in bottiglia, succhi di frutta dell'Alto Adige, acqua della fonte ...

Per info e prenotazioni:
Stefan - 349 2599233Tommy - 340 5796207Donato - 335 1535965

Vi aspettiamo also on Facebook, where we created our Group # / group.php? gid = 75224831388 & ref = ts Join


How to reach La Boneca from Florence:

Reach Grassina (eg. Ponte a Ema exit from the motorway to the Firenze Sud, then direction Grassina). To find the junction for Grassina S. Polo. Follow the road left towards S. Polo for approx. 4 km.
Immediately after the sign "end of town Bagno a Ripoli" you will find a dirt road on your right, follow this road for approx. 1 km to the left etroverete an iron gate ... you got to the Boneca! Under the olive trees next to the barn you will get the table with the buffet. The parking lot is just past the house to the left of the road from them 'you can also access directly to the area where he will' place the event.
you there!
: De Gustibus Association, Florence - Sightseeing and food events, support for agricultural traditions:

How To Play Populous The Beginning

G8 in crisis and the alternatives of the town of Joseph Hunt

A first consideration that can not relate to the function that summit, like the Ministers of Agriculture the G.8, they take in this new era, marked by the crisis, we have entered.
On the one hand, it must be emphasized that these appointments thematic G.8, whose task is to prepare the summit of La Maddalena, serve their very great difficulty, its Summit of Heads of State and Government to be held in July next. The fact that they can count on a very limited composition, which can no longer, for a variety of reasons that just the London Summit of the G.20 had deepened, claim for himself the role of "the dome of the world government" to driving a form of sovereignty in the process of planetary formation.
not forget that the same theme G.8 Agriculture is an absolute novelty: his call had been decided by the Heads of State and Government at the last summit in Hokkaido (Japan) in July 2008. We keep in mind the context in which this decision was taken. Between the 2007 and 2008 the world experienced the most serious agricultural crisis and food for decades now. He had triggered a real spiral, starting from the dramatic increase in consumer prices of basic commodities such as cereals (among them in particular rice and wheat). Among the contingent factors that have most affected the increases in the context of agricultural markets, which in previous decades, before, on a national scale were been invested by so-called "structural adjustment policies" of the International Monetary Fund, and then were forced to "liberalized" the directives of the World Trade Organization (WTO), thus dislocating the South of subsistence crops, biodiversity and local economies associated with them, there is the total unpredictability of the production cycle in agriculture as a result of global warming and related climate change. To this was added to the growing use of these cereals in the production of so-called bio-fuels, which took away very broad areas to food crops, such as the capitalist response to the problem dell'insostenibilità emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, the primary cause of global warming, and the relentless growth in oil prices. And, if this were not enough, it was on the scene here too the financial system: crisis in the stock market and the mortgage was clearly oriented towards large investors derivatives such as futures, that is to invest in stocks that can of its value on increasing the prices of raw materials and basic commodities, characterized as a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy forced to. All this has triggered a vicious cycle that occurred with no apparent way out. Less than a
year later, just to witness the speed of changes in specific scenarios although located on the long history of the 'time of crisis, "the situation has significantly changed: the references remain the same structural, but the irresistible rise of prices consumption - which however are not returned to pre-crisis levels - just because of the economic downturn triggered by the global financial crisis, has suffered a setback. G.8 The preparatory document of Treviso - revealed for excerpts from the Financial Times 7 April, systematically ignored by the mainstream press, but angrily denied by the Italian Government - speaks to this regard, very clearly what are the nightmares and dreams of former "powerful of the Earth", much more pleasant joke of propaganda minister Zaia. The nightmare that is well represented by the Italian Presidency of the Sherpas call the "global challenge: reducing the emergency-food." And, mind you, do not refer to the fact that between 2007 and 2008, for the first time in human history, has been steadily exceeded the threshold of a billion people, children, women and men, who suffer daily hunger, as well as when they talk about "food security", they are unwilling to take effective measures to eliminate the poisons the food chain than a century of industrialization and not just chemistry, nor to protect consumers from risks associated with the use of genetically modified organisms. On the contrary, the spectra waving their nights are those of the myriad of social conflicts exploded in over thirty countries, as a result of the food crisis of 2007/2008, the reality of hundreds of peasant uprisings and urban insurgencies that have formed in continents of the Southern Hemisphere, the answer to the multitudinous race of the prices of basic commodities in the last biennio.Ma if the nightmare turned out real well, so much so that government experts say that a new food crisis could have "serious consequences not only on business but also on social and international relations, which in turn will have a direct impact on security and stability of world politics, "explained the dream in the" working document "of G.8 is so dangerous as illusory. "The problem of price volatility remains a key to global food security" - the report says - "so there is a need for a rapid increase in agricultural production in developing countries." Once again, that is, the illusion of an indefinite expansion of productive capacity in response to the crisis. But how, with such technologies, and especially for the benefit of whom? And who should pay the costs? In this document the G.8, for what it has been publicly read, says nothing. And perhaps nothing can
dire.Perché on agricultural issues, the property regime and the regime's productive land, the policies of the agro-food industry, perhaps even more than on other issues, the so-called Big Eight are forced to make accounts and with other political parties, national and supra-state, and with transnational companies, which are much more guidance in these global markets and setting of their local effects. Staying at the continental level, we think only about how the fate of Italian are widely condizionate dalle regole, dai meccanismi spesso paradossali delle Politiche Agricole Comunitarie, che sono state ulteriormente sbilanciate dall’allargamento della stessa Unione europea verso est, in territori caratterizzati da un’organizzazione dell’impresa capitalistica intorno alla produzione agro-alimentare molto diversa da quella che i paesi del cuore dell’Europa occidentale si sono dati in questi decenni.E la discussione del G.8 è inefficace rispetto alle politiche comunitarie europee, quindi sulla scala continentale, ma al tempo stesso è del tutto inefficace anche rispetto alla scala globale.Perché su questo livello, i destini delle politiche agricole, di quelle alimentari e di quelle energetiche, si giocano al di fuori the scope of the G.8. We play in the major continental markets in Latin America and in major Asian markets as China and India in particular. Sure, Cison Valmarino, there is an attempt to extend the comparison also to Brazil, Argentina, Egypt, Australia, India and China, Mexico, South Africa, South Korea and Indonesia, but each of these emerging regional powers will be at the table bearer of well-defined national interests to defend and answer "local" to the crisis in different agricultural and food that each of them is specifically to deal with. Not to mention that the real guest of stone represented by large groups of multinationals in the field of dissemination seeds as well as marketing of products, account for agro-food market much more than any nation state. Therefore, both continental and global scale, we are talking about a dimension of governance G.8 whose struggle to grasp the global contradictions we face.
On the other hand, in these days "zoiosa" Marca are important because they allow an opportunity, just for the theme that is central to the summit of the former Big Eight, to connect the issues relating to land, agricultural production, power, energy production, essentially those fundamental elements of the reproduction of the human race as genere umano, al discorso complessivo sulla crisi. Nel senso che, nella lingua cinese, il termine crisi viene rappresentato con un ideogramma che significa, al tempo stesso, opportunità, occasione. Credo debba essere colta questa ambivalenza della crisi presente, partendo dal suo carattere di crisi sistemica. Siamo di fronte ad un collasso del sistema su scala globale.E, di fronte al carattere strutturale della crisi, vi è anche la necessità di fare i conti con il tema dello sviluppo. Va detto che, se guardiamo alle nostre radici, alla nostra matrice culturale, chi proviene dal marxismo critico, dalla tradizione operista, in qualche misura è sempre stato abituato a leggere e ad interpretare politicamente la realtà secondo uno schema che in many respects remained dialectical, so that the workers' struggles, or at least today, the struggles of the multitude put to work, produce a crisis, the crisis is dealt with before the conflict, resolved by social capital as a relation, in terms of expansion, in terms of recovery on the ground of a new development that leads to a higher capital-labor contradiction, the contradiction that is classically understood in the Marxian sense of development of productive forces (today we call the development of social cooperation, social productivity) and class relations, ie the social relations that bring into form this level reached by the development of productive forces, cooperation sociale.Ma this scheme is still valid? I doubt very strong indeed and I think we should start to put it into discussione.Perché is evident in the babble of national governments, the ineffectiveness of their leadership, reduced to being great spot reassuring the media (who do not reassure anyone right) in the loss of organisms supra, this structural inability to respond to a systemic crisis, I think we read the limits of expansion, that the limits of capitalist development as a field of crisis response are perhaps being met. I speak not only of the physical limits. The world market now coincides with the entire globe, the area of \u200b\u200btrade, the construction of production networks is the planet. But even if we look at other possible enlargement of land, those dimensions which have now fully productive self pervaded the size of the bios, life, just by touching the limits that are not only physical or geographical, the capitalist tendency to a continuous expansion of its capacity enhance any type of human relationship, any aspect of the first, second and third kind, now seems to have finally reached a threshold insuperabile.Allora perhaps some indication can be gained from the debate that's been in recent years, the mid- 70s when they started to discuss "the limits to growth" until more recent times with all the current that is measured with the theme of decline. A debate that has had the habit of being played on a field too often weak, centered on individual behavior and the moral dimension of the choice of the individual, be at the risk of interstitial confined to the margins, compared to the heart of the contradictions, the solution to the problems , just maybe, in some measure put. Without measure, finally, with the thorny issue of breaking the conflict need to jam the mechanism of the destructive and unlimited growth unidirezionale.Dovremo therefore be able to contaminate a positive, productive, creative, these different strands of thought that seek to address a debate true that the crisis-fighting scheme-development-lotte-crisis-development has now probably lost its validity, both in terms of explanation of what is happening, both in terms of guidance for social and political action, and try to confront, however, the consequences of this block to expand the capacity capitalist still internal and external borders of the market. From here to check the construction material and ideal alternative.
Perhaps today we have for the first time, in this global crisis and its systemic features, the ability to move permanently from the land of the struggles fought around the value of trade, the clash around, to put it in Marxist terms, the wages required by the conflict which was and remains basically only played about redistributive mechanisms (and likely to be the sole axis around which the debate is also tightening the responses to the crisis) to regain the land value of 'use of the excess of the commodity-form of human alienation and the way that it entails, to affirm the possibility of cooperation between autonomous "free and equal." Perhaps, for the first time in decades, we can return to face not as an academic exercise, but as a field of theory and practice of political practice, in the conflicts in the crisis, the design and construction material production alternatives and life, real and common. Alternative, which may consist of a mere individual option, but the more collective measure their effectiveness, as they are nourished by his assertion of independence as a vector, a factor of breakdown in social relations domain data, the exercise of a sort of permanent "counter-power" that goes to constitute the defense of social and political space in which life forms can grow up free and happy.
* summary of an interview with Joseph Hunt to Radio Sherwood - April 10, 2009

Wakeskate Slider Blueprints

Invited MST direct in Italy, stuck in Madrid and then expelled

Wednesday 15 aprile 2009, Francinaldo Correia, esponente del Movimento dei sem-terra del Brasile era in viaggio verso l’Italia. Francinaldo, ufficialmente invitato dal Comune di Venezia, avrebbe dovuto partecipare al Festival "Questa terra è la nostra terra" in corso dal 15 al 19 aprile tra Montebelluna e Treviso, promosso dall’Associazione Ya Basta e da un ampio gruppo di associazioni e gruppi del territorio, in occasione del vertice “G8” dei ministri dell’agricoltura a Cison di Valmarino (TV). 
Dopo il Festival il suo viaggio sarebbe proseguito in varie città italiane per portare la testimonianza del movimento dei sem-terra e per conoscere realtà e organizzazioni impegnate sui temi di un’agricoltura sustainable, just and worthy.
Francinaldo in transit at the airport Barajas in Madrid, has been blocked by the English police, detained for several hours and returned to Brazil with a sheet of expulsion without legitimate reason.
Although all documentation in order and a letter of invitation which stated that all expenses were paid by the bodies inviting Francinaldo could not continue his journey and can never be part of European territory.
What has happened is serious.
at this time a lawyer from the MST is bringing the English Embassy in Brazil to obtain clarification on the situation and request cancellation the deportation order. We demand the immediate withdrawal of the deportation order and the possibility of leaving for Italy.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Cryptic Names For Towns Uk Quiz

The Festival program "This land is our land"

Wednesday, April 15
Montebelluna (TV) - PalaMazzalovo
"Par Vardar" Recital by Marco Paolini
Admission 12 euro, presale at 13 €

Presale for the Recital "Par Vardar" Marco Paolini "

  • At the headquarters of the 'Marco Polo ADL lane 6 - (behind the bridge of the station) Treviso t el. 0422 403535
    on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 18.00 to 20.00

download the poster in A4 [pdf - 490.5 KB] and high resolution [pdf - 4.8 MB]

Against Arrogance transnational
Thursday, April 16
Treviso - Piazzetta Independence
Mauro Millan from Patagonia - Argentina says "invasion" of Benetton
will be present: Oscar Olivera - Bolivia, Subramaniam Kannaiyan - India, Francinaldo Correia - Brazil

Treviso - Aula Magna Istituto Riccati
at 21.00
"Paths of solidarity economy: between crisis and economic crisis anthropological "
Ferruccio Nilia and Toni Peratoner the Solidarity Economy Network
of Friuli Venezia Giulia

The future belongs to us
World Day of Via Campesina
Friday, April 17
Montebelluna (TV) - Quilombo - Area Sansovino - PalaMazzalovo
Ore 19.00
Aperitivo e stand locali
Ore 21.00
Crisi climatica, crisi energetica, crisi economica.
Quali alternative per un diverso modello di sviluppo

Ne discutiamo con
Oscar Olivera
Portavoce della Coordinadora de defensa del agua y la vida Cochabamba Bolivia
Giuseppe Caccia
Uninomade Nord Est
Paolo Cacciari
Giornalista Paper
Guido Viale
writer and environmental economist
Alberto Zoratti
Cooperative Fair of Genoa

This land is our land
Saturday, April 18
Montebelluna (TV) - Quilombo - Area Sansovino - PalaMazzalovo
Market - Exhibition - Exhibition
local producers, organic associations , committees
16.00 pm
Food crisis, environmental crisis.
resistance movements in the defense of the land and common property
Vilma Mazza - Associazione Ya Basta and an exponent Network Radiè Resch
Discussants: Mauro Millan
- Patagonia-Argentina
Spokesman of the Mapuche People
Kannaiyan Subramaniam - India
Association of farmers of Tamil Nadu
Francinaldo Correia - Brazil
Landless Movement
Video Screening of "The Worthy Anger"
Pictures, interviews conducted in Mexico and Chiapas dic.2008-gen.2009
the First World Festival of Anger worth promoted by the Zapatistas

Our territories: a common good

download the program Jonathan [pdf 1.0 Mb]

Sunday, April 19
Montebelluna (TV) - Quilombo - Area Sansovino - PalaMazzalovo From 10.00

Market - Exhibition - Exhibition
local producers, organic associations, committees
10.00 am
era of global crisis.
scenarios of agriculture.
What future for producers and consumers

Meeting with Roberto Pinton: dearomatized
Ussia Emanuel: President Denis Aiab Veneto
Susanna: President of the provincial CIA
Moderate Christian Gasparetto - Italy Our
were invited associations
12.00 am
GMOs as a threat to the health and food traditions.
Alternative biologiche e locali per lo sviluppo rurale.

Coordina Federico Fazzuoli
Con Giuseppe Altieri, Giuseppe Nacci, Enrico Lucconi, Pietro Perrino
Testimonianze internazionali
Riflessioni sul nucleare: una minaccia da sventare
Con Gianni Tamino e Gianfranco Bettin
A seguire
Assemblea – incontro dei comitati, reti, associazioni ambientali e in difesa dei beni comuni del Nord Est
Ore 21.00

Concerto reading di e con Mirko Artuso e Ricky Bizzarro, Marco Balestracci e Steve Dal Col;

Tolo Marton

  • Download the complete program [brochure - pdf - 2.7 MB]

Driving Test Success Practical

Festival of counter in the viewfinder and GM nucleareMontebelluna Treviso and hosting environment experienced American, Indian, Italian

It is called ' This Land is our land , "takes place April 15 to 19 between Treviso and Montebelluna, and organized by Ya Basta, Town Common Good, Country Environment, Environmental League, April 18 De 'Longhi, Italy Nostra, another Treviso, and another ten UbikLab associations who care about the fate of territorio.E 'counter-summit than the Ministers of Agriculture del G8 a Castelbrando.

E ha un calendario e una serie di ospiti di valore assoluto.

Da Marco Paolini che apre la serie di avvenimenti al Palamazzalovo il 15, a Oscar Oliveira (Bolivia), Subramaniam Kannaiyan (India) e Francinaldo Correira (Brasile) che giovedì 16 (Treviso Piazzetta Indipendenza, ore 18,30) assisteranno al reading di Mauro Milan che racconta «l'invasione della terra dei Mapuche, Argentina-Patagonia, da parte di Benetton». In serata (alle 21, al Riccati), «Percorsi di economia solidale: tra crisi economica e crisi antropologica». Il 17 Montebelluna festival and fair-trade market in the squares and streets of Montebelluna, followed at 21 by the debate on "climate crisis, energy crisis, economic crisis," which sees presenters Oliveira, Paolo Cacciari, Giuseppe Caccia, Guido and Alberto Viale Zoratti.Sabato 18, in the afternoon, Montebelluna, organic products trade show, meeting on "Food crisis, environmental crisis" with a member of Network Rade Resch, Kannaiyan and Correia. At 20 screening of the video "The dignified rage." Sundays from 10 to Montebelluna, at 10, you continue with the show bio, a meeting on "scenarios in the agricultural world in the era of global crisis." To 12 GM debate led by Frederick Fazzuoli (inventor of well-known broadcast Sunday 'Green Line'). "A threat to health and food traditions." Spoke as speakers Joseph Altieri, Giuseppe Nacci, Peter and Henry Lucconi Perrino.
At 16 'Reflections on Nuclear with Gianni Tamino, a former Member and MEP, and Gianfranco Bettin, regional advisor of the Greens. Following the meeting of the committees throughout the North East, networks, environmental groups and spontaneous officers who are fighting to defend the territory
At 21-concert reading with Mirko Artuso, Ricky Bizarre, Marco and Steve Balestracci From Col. Special guest: guitarist Tolo Marton Treviso.

press clippings Tribuna di Treviso April 10, 2009

How Do You Make The Locosalad From El Pollo Loco

Paolini: earth, water and poesiaLo show "Par vardar" opens against the G8-summit

While those who decide the fate of the Earth (and land in lower case, and under ' Water and Food) gather for a G8 Castelbrando in Agriculture, in plain, in Marca, talking about culture and respect for the earth. A counter-summit, than that of G8 ministers of Agriculture, is so called, between Montebelluna and Treviso, with moments of "high" and worthy of being reported and followed up. as "high", if only to gauge the character that is spent on stage, is a recital by Marco Paolini, entitled vardar Par ', which will be held April 15 to 21 in Palamazzalovo of Montebellu-na.
The recital is unpublished, prepared specially for the occasion, and opens a series of events that are involved, on the big issues, prominent figures of the counterculture. La Marca, in short, will not be in the coming days, only the seat of the decisions of the "powerful" of the Earth, but also a place for debate on those who, not wanting to hear ... im powerful, they want to tell everyone how much the decisions of multinational corporations ( who have already sent word, as the premise of the conference Casteibrando, that "the world food production must double-quick, with obvious increase in the production of GM crops) are contrary to the respect and protection for the globe.
The spectacle of Marco Paolini, actor-narrator-author who has issued from the Treviso a great flight in the panorama of national performing arts and culture, will be partly an unprecedented 'coined' specially for the occasion of "This Land is our land." "I'm still working - Paolini-anticipated but I will certainly fail to catch from the baggage of my previous shows, all that is the subject of land and water. So, the thread will be the beautiful poems of the poets of Northwest already has been the backbone of performances of the recent past. " Marin, Calzavara, Noventa and all the classics' Veneto ', topped by a series of reflections on land and water (just on the latter, its "privatization" as opposed to the concept of "common heritage and free"' s actor-author did a show dedicated), then constitute the basis on which to work, in these days before the show to Palamazzalovo, Paolini.
The fact that open and close the five-day festival are two "events" (close to the actor will be called Mirko Artuso, songwriter Bizarre Ricky and his band, as well as the great bluesman Treviso Tolo Marton, guitarist Hendrix Award) naturally has a meaning: to draw mass attention of people on these issues that are fundamental for the future of all humanity and not - as some would like - that part which is identified with the interests (all aimed at economic and gain a few) of multinational agribusiness.

press clippings Tribuna di Treviso April 10, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

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is held in the province of Treviso, 18 to 20 April 2009, the G8 Summit of Ministers of 'agriculture. In contrast to the Summit, the event Festival of the meeting-"This land is our land" promoted by a cartel of rich grassroots expression of the many experiences for food sovereignty, against GMOs, environmental quality and food for the defense, the ' democracy and sustainable use of natural resources, can provide an opportunity to weigh theories and practices guided by a different relationship with the land, environment and resources.

Read more .....