Holy Mary, Mother of God, Mother of Grace, Mother of Peace, Mother of Peace, grant us peace. Turn not away from your children Thine eyes benign, Mother of the Redeemer, ottienti peace to the world and every soul grace divine. Amen.
(200 days indulgence) Umberto Malchiodi, arcive. Camerino
O Mary, Mother of the Incarnate Word and our Mother sweet, we are here at your feet while there is a new day, another great gift from God.
Let us place in Your Heart in Your Hands and our whole being. We will be Your will, in thought, heart, body.
You fit in with our mother's goodness on this day a new life, the life of Jesus Your
Prevent and accompanying or Queen of Heaven, even our smallest actions by Thy inspiration maternal so everything is pure and accepts at the time of sacrifice holy and immaculate.
Make us holy or good Mother: holy as Jesus commanded us, asking us how your heart and desire. Amen.
(200 days indulgence) Ferd. Longinotti, Vesco. S. Severino
Propaganda Marian Maria Stella, Via Acciaioli, 10 - Rome.
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