For the conversion of sinners, the sanctification of priests, the sick, for vocations, any need for spiritual and material.
Ed io vi dico: chiedete e riceverete; cercate e troverete; picchiate e vi sarà aperto (Lc., 11, 9).
In verità, in verità vi dico: Qualunque cosa domanderete al Padre in nome mio, Egli ve la concederà (Giov., 61, 42).
S. Cuore di Gesù, confido in Voi! (300 g. o. v.)
Signore, insegnaci a pregare (300 g. o. v.)
Gisù mio, manifesta a noi la bellezza del Tuo Divin Cuore!
Coroncino al Cuore di Gesù
Nel nome del Padre, ecc.
Deus in adiutorium, ecc. Gloria Patri, ecc.
O Gesù d'amor acceso - Non l'avessi never offended.
O my dear and good Jesus, - I do not want to offend again.
Then it says 30 times, interspersing each decade, the Glory:
Divine Heart of Jesus, Provvedeteci!
In the end you add 3 times, divine, etc..
1 time Glory, O Christ, and of love, etc..
Notes: 1) For the devout recitation of the aspiration: "DIVINE PROVVIDEZA etc.." May 8, 1940 the Most Rev. Bishop of Lugano, Angelo Jelmini granted 50 days to indulge. On July 19, 1944 S. Eminence Cardinal Fiassati, arcive. Turin, granted 300 days.
2) The wreath can be recited with the aspiration: S. Heart of Jesus, I trust in You!
or with the invocation: O my sweet Treasury
Jesus, give me your beautiful heart! to commemorate 33 years of martyrdom of love that Jesus suffered on the ground and with the intention of making the spiritual communion with each invocation. The chaplet is recited in a particular way for the sanctification of priests and for the conversion of poor Freemasons.
Sister Teresa Gabriella Borgarino
Daughter of Charity (1880 - 1949)
Daughter of Charity (1880 - 1949)

Ma Dio volle mettere a dura prova la sua vocazione, prima con una forte anemia e poi con una grave malattia del padre che l'obbligò per ben due volte a tornare in famiglia.
Rincominciò il suo Postulato, e dopo il Noviziato, potè fare finalmente la Vestizione (1902). Era felice di essere tutta di Gesù.
Fu destinata alla Misericordia di Angera (Varese) e poi (1906) al Ricovero Riziero Rezzonico in Lugano, col nome di Suor Caterina. Nel 1907, preparata da Dio with the same harsh evidence, issued for the first time the Saints votes.
in 1918, which came the "English" was transformed into the Ricorvero Lazzaretto and Sister Catherine was happy to take care of those affected by the deadly epidemic. At Rezzonico was enthusiastic about the initiative launched since 1914 for the erection of a shrine to the Diocesan S. Heart, now happy reality, and we also cooperated after leaving Lugano.
In 1919 he was sent to the retreat house of the nuns in Grugliasco (Turin) where he spent himself in the most menial offices.
In 1931 he was transferred to the home of the Immaculate Luserna at Pinerolo, where he remained until his death (1949) die with the name Sister Gabriella, real smiles and sunshine for the elderly and sick nuns.
During the last war the house was in serious trouble and then Gabriella revived the confidence of all in the goodness of the Heart of Jesus, spreading the aspiration: "Divine Heart of Jesus, provvedeteci!"
not tired of writing and distributing leaflets on simple, because it was recited by those who were in pain or any difficulty. He confided to his superior:
"Our Lord has a heart so full of thanks for his creatures, that they overflow like a river. The act of filial trust in his Providence, united invocation of His holy name, enough to open souls to heaven. You can get everything with this invocation: relief spiritual, moral and material ".
Nameless was his joy when he learned that from the aspiration was indulgenced Vesovo dall'Arcivesovo Turin and Lugano.
Health Sister Gabreilla in ulitimi he went downhill. Arthritis deforms the her legs and stood with difficulty. A strong stomach pain tormented her, but never complained, resigned to the Divine Will. He said:
"Everything that Jesus sends is not too much. I want what he wants this. "
His eyes remained calm and sweet and even the last day he had a complaint.
the evening of January 1, 1949 at 13:54, at the beginning of the feast of SS. Name of Jesus, she so venerated, Sister Borgarino began to hold, love and eternally glorify the beautiful Heart of Jesus, which was a tireless apostle. One hopes and expects soon to be the cause of his beatification began.
Mariana Propaganda - Casale Monf., 1961 - With Approval. Eccles.
See also: Gabriella Borgarino Teresa, Servant of God
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