the School of S. Heart of Jesus
Calls the Heart of Jesus 1. - Come to me
: a) I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. And the way you have to follow - you have to believe The Truth - Life in your soul shall live.
b) I have the remedy of all evil - the consolation of any pain - the rest of all labor.
c) I am the light of your intelligence, - strength of your will, - the full joy of your heart.
SOLVE: I come to Thee, O Jesus, You alone have the words of eternal life. I want to spend this month at your school.
2. - Come to me
and contemplates "this heart which has so loved men, and nothing saved up to be depleted and consumed, and they attest to his love! On the other hand, however, does not receive the majority of them that ingratitude ...", Come, read this heart, imitate her virtues, that draws with both hands in that you open this treasure: the treasure of wisdom and love, grace and salvation.
SOLVE: behold 5 minute to the Heart of Jesus and listen to what he says to my heart.
3. - Come to my school
. Come without fear, "my heart and passionate love for men and especially for you that the most unable to contain the flames of his burning love, it is necessary that the spilling and they manifest." O Jesus, who revealed himself to me and infiammatemi of your love.
SOLVE: Resolve to get and read the S. Gospel.
The teachings of the Sacred Heart 4. - Be humble
here is the first lesson I give you with my example. Finally, I am made small, powerful because I am weak, I have taken the form of master slave e tu che sei nulla ti vorrai innalzare? Chi si esalta sarà umiliato; umiliato spesso anche di qua, certo nell'al di là. È di fede.
RISOLVI: Eviterò ogni ostentazione e vanagloria.
5. -
Sii umile di cuore : non per affettazione. Io fui umile nei pensieri, riconoscendo la mia dipendenza del Padre; - nelle parole, attribuendo a Lui ogni gloria; - nelle opere, scegliendo un umile mestiere, - rifiutando gli onori di Re - e lavando i piedi ai miei apostoli.
RISOLVI: Farò qualche servizio al prossimo.
6. -
Sii dolce e mansueto : ecco un'altra lezione che non mi stancavo di ripetere. - Siate misericordiosi e troverete misericordia. - Non giudicate e non sarete giudicati. - Perdonate and you will be forgiven. - Who is strict with the other can not belong to my school.
resolved: I will treat everyone with kindness and patience.
7. - Be
sweet heart: that I was not alone with my Mom, but with all the sick obtrusive, noisy children, the disciples ignorant and quarrelsome, and especially also with sinners, when they came to me humbled and repentant.
resolved: I will be kind to those who are rude to me.
8. - Be
sweet heart. Not for convenience or hypocrisy. I was good with those who offended me, betrayed me, deny me, crucified me. I did not answer their calumnies, insults, spitting, slapping that ... pray with and for them to die.
SOLVE: Beneficherò or pray for my enemies.
9. - The key to heaven
. "Watch and pray, lest ye fall into temptation. - We must always pray and never get tired. - Seek and ye shall find. - Knock and it shall be opened. - Ask and you will get." Have you faith in these promises?
resolved: I will better my daily prayers.
The loves and hates of the Heart of Jesus 10. - The love for the Father
. I lived for my Father. His will was my food and I came to earth to turn all of my love for him Oh, how they forget the rights of God and trampled his precepts!
SOLVE: Today I will do everything to please God
11. - The love
for Mother . "It's my sweet Mother who leads me to open the treasures of my heart and to make new appeal to the good souls ... Oh, my tender Mother! She forms the delight of my heart, that it be yours too!" . (Message d. Sacred Heart).
SOLVE: Solve for dedicated to Our Lady and live in imitation of Jesus in his addiction.
12. - The
love for souls. "I thirst, I hunger for souls ... I want anime, anime, anime! I'm not dead for them?" (Message). What did you do to quench this thirst?
SOLVE: Resolve to be an apostle in your environment.
13. -
love for the Holy Church . It's my family, my own mystical body. I gave it to the My Blood. I will always be with her, and his enemies will be humiliated.
SOLVE: Solve for love and obey S. Mother Church and ask the grace to live and die in its bosom.
14. -
love for priests. "I love both my priests. The priest is another me!" (Message) Oh, how I wish that you respect it, defend it and praying for his holiness!
SOLVE: I do not ever let any criticism about them, even as I defend them.
15. -
love for the poor and the sick . Here are my preferences. I left them there for an inheritance, replacing myself with great promise for those who will take care "What will you do to them for my love, I'll pay as done to myself. "
SOLVE will visit some poor sick.
16. - The love of humiliations
. I thirst for humiliation, compensation was the best I could give to God for pride men. I tried the humiliation in the birth, life, death, again - and instead you run away in horror.
SOLVE: Shun the ambition and luxury.
17. -
The hatred of the Heart of Jesus . You have to imitate the Heart of Jesus, not only in his loves, but also in its hatred. Jesus came to fight and destroy the empire of sin and showed himself an implacable hatred of the research honors, pleasures, and wealth, which is the spirit of that world is the enemy of God and Christ in protest of not wanting to pray.
SOLVE: My hatred must be those of Jesus
Virtues of the Heart of Jesus 18. - Obedience
. It was the hand of the sinner's rebellion. Man rebelled against God and I did obedient to men, even wicked, e. .. until his death.
SOLVE: obey without excuses.
19. -
Poverty . The greed of wealth is the great disease of men. I was born to heal up in a stable and died of a cross. Oh, how I love holy poverty!
SOLVE: I do not worry about the worldly goods.
20. - Chastity
. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God - is to prevent impurities to understand my love and enjoy the consolations of piety.
resolved: I will avoid any dangerous friendship.
The Cross of the Sacred Heart 21. - The devotion to the Passion
. "The ingratitude of men I is more sensitive to what I suffered in my passion, so that if I would make some parts of love, to estimate just what I did for them and would, if it were possible to do even more." O dear Jesus, and you could do more?
SOLVE: adopt the practice of "Via Crucis".
22. -
Mortification . "The Cross was planted in my heart since the Incarnation with the continued forecast of my Passion. And who would come after me must deny himself and take up his Cross."
resolved: I will treat my body with austerity.
Thorns of the Sacred Heart 23. - The oaths
. "My name is everywhere blasphemed. Blasphemy is the sin of the devil ... it is a poisoned arrow that always hurt me the Heart." (Jesus to Sister Saint-Pierre).
SOLVE: Hearing oaths say a short prayer.
24. -
"Irreverent, coldness, sacrilege, especially to my sacrament love, that's the reward in that heart which has so loved men. And what's more is that it is so embittered they treat Christians and the same hearts consecrated to Him "... And Jesus called St. Margaret and I invite you to become a victim for sinners to turn away from them the inevitable punishment. The Sin is a debt and debt must be paid.
SOLVE: I'll do some act of mortification.
25. -
The lack of confidence. "Writing the main thing I want you to know is that I love and all that the most great pain, that we can give to my heart, and to doubt my goodness "(Jesus to Sister Benign Ferrero).
often REPEAT: Heart of Jesus, I trust in You. (300 g.).
Promises of the Heart of Jesus 26. - Promises of Jesus
to lure more and more devotion to his SS. Heart. - 1) Individuals: The Plague of his heart will be the source of grace, a place of refuge, a source of consolation and causes of blessing. - 2) Families promises peace and security. - 3) For the sinners conversion. - 4) For the warm fervor. - 5) For the fervent holiness. - 6) To support priests in their ministry. - 7) The Community Union. - 8) is the nations victory.
SOLVE: I want to assure the promises of S. Heart with a tender, constant practice and devotion.
27. - The great promise
. "I promise in the excessive mercy of My Heart that My all-powerful love will grant to all those who communicate on the 1st Friday of the month for 9 consecutive months the grace of final perseverance; not die in my disgrace nor without receiving the sacraments, serving my Heart to their safe refuge in that last hour "
resolved: I'll apostle of the 1st practice Friday.
Desires of the Heart of Jesus 28. -
Love . Jesus loves all indulgently of the Creator - with attractive Savior - with security of the Father - with the tenderness of a mother - with intimacy Brother, - with loyalty to friends ... but as few people including, appreciate and reciprocate his love! - Jesus asks you, as in S. Margaret, begging for a little 'love saying: At least you love me!
SOLVE: Why so late, or Jesus, I knew you? I want the future to redeem the lost time.
29. - Repair
. Love and repair, is the essence of this devotion. You can not love and do not really feel the need to redress the terrible wrongs that human Jesus recevie ingratitude. You need to have a heart of stone to be insensitive to the agonizing cries of the Heart of Jesus! - He, like a day in Gethsemane, suggests you look for comforters and practices best suited to console his heart: 1) Comunione frequente specialmente nei primi Venerdì; 2) l'Ora Santa; 3) il culto della sua Immagine; 4) la Consacrazione delle famiglie e 5) specialmente la Consacrazione del tuo cuore con cui terminerai questo mese.
RISOLVI: Mi iscriverò a qualche Associazione Riparatrice in onore del S. Curoe e ne osserverò gli obblighi.
30. -
Consacrazione . Corona questo mese con una fervorosa e totale consacrazione di tutto te stesso al S. Cuore per le mani purissime di Maria: è questo il più ardente desiderio di Gesù. Questa consacrazione, al dir di S. Margherita, è un preservativo dal peccato mortale, una via regale ella santità e della pace, la chiave che dischiude i tesori del S. Cuore, un pegno di predestiazione.
RIPETI: spesso: S. Cuore di Gesù, mi dono tutto a Voi per mezzo di Maria. (300 g. o. v.).
Scegli ogni giorno una giaculatoria Per le prime 3: 500 g. o. v.; per le altre 300 g. o. v. Cuore di Gesù, infiammato d'amore per noi, infiamma il nostro cuore d'amore per Te.
Gesù mite e umile di cuore, rendete il cuor mio simile al vostro.
Amato sia dappertutto il S. Cuore di Gesù.
S. Cuore di Gesù, venga il tuo regno.
Cuore divino di Gesù, convertite i peccatori, salvate i moribondi, liberate le anime sante del purgatorio.
S. Cuore di Gesù, credo al tuo amore per me.
Glory, love and gratitude to S. Heart of Jesus
Sweet Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us and our erring brothers.
All for You, Sacred Heart of Jesus
S. Heart of Jesus, you know, be loved, be imitated.
S. Heart of Jesus, protect our families.
Sweet Heart of Jesus, be my love.
S. Heart of Jesus, I love you and make you love.
S. Heart of Jesus, I love you! Convert the poor blasphemers.
O Mary, comforter of the true Heart of Jesus, help us to comfort the S. Heart of your Divine Son.