Così non la pensano la Chiesa, i Santi ed i fedeli veramente fedeli. Un giorno conosceremo con rammarico di quanti benefici ci siamo privati con la nostra trascuratezza su questo punto. Non aspettiamo ad apprezzare l'Acqua Benedetta quando essa sarà aspersa sulla nostra bara.
La mia devozione all'acqua benedetta risale alla mia infanzia. In casa nostra c'era sempre l'Acqua santa e la mamma ci faceva dire in dialetto: Acqua santa che mi bagna, Gesù Crist che m'accompagna, bruta bestia (demonio) via da lì; Gesù Crist amnì (venite) con mi.
Quando Then I was in the Novitiate, I was given the task of supplying every week acquasantini, and entering the cells of the monks had to say: Blessed Water! The other said: Sit nobis salus semper et life is always for us salvation and life. Closing the door and I concluded: Amen.
The water in religious history. Water, an essential element in the composition of all organic bodies and the preservation of all life (Thales said that the 4 was the main elements of the world) became among all peoples by means of purification and also the object of worship (worship of water ) or superstition (idromanzia).
In the Bible water is a symbol of blessing and fertility (in Palestine only rains from November to March) and for his impetuosity, even tribulation.
The liturgical use of the water was common among Jews and among all the Pagans (holy water), especially among the Romans. Christians became necessary in the field of Baptism. At first he served as a simple physical purification to entering the basilica for the faithful and priests during the peri sacrifice. (In the Middle Ages gave that use a symbolic meaning expressed by prayers).
Later it was used to bless a special formula (in the West there is the additional salt, a symbol of preservation from corruption), and became the instrument of all other blessings (churches, altars, bells, cemeteries, tombs, houses, food, objects, faithful, etc..) Sacramental use is becoming a privao (acquasantini) is public in the churches (holy water and batteries Asperges Sunday).
The efficacy of holy water is derived from the formula by which the Church blesses. His prayer and faith and good intentions of the faithful have made it a powerful tool to purify the soul from venial sins, to heal the body, for fertility and prosperity to her companions and the cattle and to ward off evil influences on things we use (houses, clothes, food) and especially on the soul by the temptations and obsessions.
impressive in the history of the two possessed of Illfurt is that if in the soup, secretly, you put a drop of Holy Water i due fanciulli andavano in ismanie e si rifiutavano assolutamente di mangiarla.
È diventata proverbiale la potenza dell'Acqua Benedetta sul demonio (fuggire da una cosa come il diavolo dall'Acqua santa).
La Chiesa esorta i fedeli a tenere in casa l'Acqua Benedetta e a servirsene per fare il Segno della croce (ha concesso 7 anni di indulgenza ogni volta), per aspergere il letto prima di coricarsi, segnare con essa i bambini, aspergere i moribondi e i cadaveri.
È anche un prezioso messo per suffragare i defunti. A parte l'autenticità del fatto che si legge nella vita della Ven. Suor Domenica di Gesù, carmelitana, che, ispirata ad aspergere di Acqua Benedetta il teschio che teneva sul genuflessorio, dice that he heard a voice that pleaded: "More, more more! holy water extinguished the flames of Purgatory," we must believe the efficacy of holy water to the dead use which makes the Church in the burials and the fact that the sign of the Cross made with holy water, you get seven years of indulgence every time, applicable to the deceased.
While I shake the hand that we thoroughly dipped in holy water we direct it to the souls in purgatory. It will be for them like drops of water requested by the vainly rich man to Abraham.
blessing formula. First he exorcised salt, "I exorcise, creature of salt, for the living God, who commanded the prophet ... Eliseo disposed of a source to cure infertility, so that health of soul and body and is removed every diabolical fraud ...".
Exorcism of water: "I exorcise that is likely to drive and destroy all evil powers ... and receive power to cast out demons, healing ...".
Library House Madonna - Casale (Al), 1964 - with approval. Eccles.
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