final closure of the trial site on GMOs Cà Tron (Roncade TV).
Finally some good news every now come, and many of us were sure from the beginning that a testing laboratory Biogenetic in our territories made no sense and was closed.
to experiment with GM crops Cassamarca the Foundation has created and funded a research lab without squandering the future of € 8 million: President De Poli has thrown away so many resources for not understanding that GMOs we have no future, that There is widespread resistance to food and multitudinous "Frankenstein" by consumers, farmers and producers. The same powerful multinational GM unable to pass their interests and that is why no one puts more money now for this workshop has been confirmed as a choice that is unjust and wrong from the point of view. In 2003
Foundation Cassamarca boasted of wanting to live genetically modified organisms with the casatella, well might have been more profitable devote himself to this delicious local cheese and local levels.
witnessing with joy the obvious defeat of this project we have strongly contested with initiatives and mobilizations. We are convinced that in our territories, devastated by years of sviluppo incontrollato, la ricetta migliore nasca dal recupero delle radici migliori e più profonde di quello che siamo stati e siamo: “contadini” con l’idea di un rapporto diverso con ambiente e natura, rapporto possibile solo con lo sviluppo di un’agricoltura di qualita e biologica.
Inoltre ci sentiamo oggi ancora più vicini ai fratelli ed alle sorelle provenienti dal sud del mondo che abbiamo incontrato lo scorso aprile durante le giornate del Festival “Questa terra è la nostra terra”. I contadini, i cittadini, gli indigeni del Sud del mondo ci hanno raccontato con forza quanta morte, povertà e devastazione provocano le multinazionali degli OGM nei loro paesi.
La battaglia contro il Laboratory Experiments in Ca 'Tron shows that you can win, that the idea to get involved directly is the way that you can take to open the possibility that demagoguery and dangerous as the GMOs are unable to reach space. We live in a time when the issues of climate insecurity, environmental crisis appear every day in their width, welded with the impoverishment of the population of the planet.
Grow alternative choices, rooted in the land, for a different development and environmentally friendly addressing these global issues also on the ability to liberate our territories. Now that
in Ca 'Tron GMO trials there will be along with many more want to raise a great initiative because the whole area is destined to become a great laboratory and a driving structure of activities aimed at developing alternative energy, environmental and agricultural.
and ask firmly that all complaints and processes triggered against those who challenged the GMOs are stored and recognizing the strength of a battle that has been a struggle for freedom.
Free from GMOs might walk along with many to continue to assert that "this land is our land." We invite everyone to build with us "GMO-Free" as a way to celebrate the closure of Ca 'Tron and I request the use to rafforzare tutte le pratiche legate allo sviluppo del nostro ambiente.
Associazione Ya Basta Nord EsT
Per info treviso@yabasta.it
Finally some good news every now come, and many of us were sure from the beginning that a testing laboratory Biogenetic in our territories made no sense and was closed.
to experiment with GM crops Cassamarca the Foundation has created and funded a research lab without squandering the future of € 8 million: President De Poli has thrown away so many resources for not understanding that GMOs we have no future, that There is widespread resistance to food and multitudinous "Frankenstein" by consumers, farmers and producers. The same powerful multinational GM unable to pass their interests and that is why no one puts more money now for this workshop has been confirmed as a choice that is unjust and wrong from the point of view. In 2003
Foundation Cassamarca boasted of wanting to live genetically modified organisms with the casatella, well might have been more profitable devote himself to this delicious local cheese and local levels.
witnessing with joy the obvious defeat of this project we have strongly contested with initiatives and mobilizations. We are convinced that in our territories, devastated by years of sviluppo incontrollato, la ricetta migliore nasca dal recupero delle radici migliori e più profonde di quello che siamo stati e siamo: “contadini” con l’idea di un rapporto diverso con ambiente e natura, rapporto possibile solo con lo sviluppo di un’agricoltura di qualita e biologica.
Inoltre ci sentiamo oggi ancora più vicini ai fratelli ed alle sorelle provenienti dal sud del mondo che abbiamo incontrato lo scorso aprile durante le giornate del Festival “Questa terra è la nostra terra”. I contadini, i cittadini, gli indigeni del Sud del mondo ci hanno raccontato con forza quanta morte, povertà e devastazione provocano le multinazionali degli OGM nei loro paesi.
La battaglia contro il Laboratory Experiments in Ca 'Tron shows that you can win, that the idea to get involved directly is the way that you can take to open the possibility that demagoguery and dangerous as the GMOs are unable to reach space. We live in a time when the issues of climate insecurity, environmental crisis appear every day in their width, welded with the impoverishment of the population of the planet.
Grow alternative choices, rooted in the land, for a different development and environmentally friendly addressing these global issues also on the ability to liberate our territories. Now that
in Ca 'Tron GMO trials there will be along with many more want to raise a great initiative because the whole area is destined to become a great laboratory and a driving structure of activities aimed at developing alternative energy, environmental and agricultural.
and ask firmly that all complaints and processes triggered against those who challenged the GMOs are stored and recognizing the strength of a battle that has been a struggle for freedom.
Free from GMOs might walk along with many to continue to assert that "this land is our land." We invite everyone to build with us "GMO-Free" as a way to celebrate the closure of Ca 'Tron and I request the use to rafforzare tutte le pratiche legate allo sviluppo del nostro ambiente.
Associazione Ya Basta Nord EsT
Per info treviso@yabasta.it
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