Dall 'December 7 to 18 will take place in Copenhagen, the largest United Nations Conference on Climate Change, COP15, but China and U.S. join forces so that there is no agreement on CO2 emissions.
policies on climate change affect us all because once you decide on the future of "our land", the air we breathe, the water we drink, the area which we live. The precarious climate is not an issue for employees works or for an elite of ecologists.
The same global economic crisis is highly related to environmental issues, resources, energy .... This is why the global and local battles in defense, public goods, are of fundamental importance to the possibility of building a way out of crisis in which the environment, human dignity, common goods and all our activities are safeguarded by the policies of those who, ravaging the territories, led to the current disastrous situation.
From local to global to create a space for discussion on the environmental crisis from the system that created it:
Friday, December 4 at the Auditorium of the Middle School Stefanini Avenue Third Army, 35, Treviso 21.00
Gianfranco Bettin : Veneto Regional Council
Umberto Zandigiacomi: Our
Antonella Tocchetto Italy: Treviso City Council
Monica Tiengo: Associazione Ya Basta Laura Treviso
Puppato: Mayor of Montebelluna
Silvano Piazza, Mayor of Silea
are invited citizens, committees, associations engaged in struggles to defend the land and the environment.
For info: treviso@yabasta.it
policies on climate change affect us all because once you decide on the future of "our land", the air we breathe, the water we drink, the area which we live. The precarious climate is not an issue for employees works or for an elite of ecologists.
The same global economic crisis is highly related to environmental issues, resources, energy .... This is why the global and local battles in defense, public goods, are of fundamental importance to the possibility of building a way out of crisis in which the environment, human dignity, common goods and all our activities are safeguarded by the policies of those who, ravaging the territories, led to the current disastrous situation.
From local to global to create a space for discussion on the environmental crisis from the system that created it:
Friday, December 4 at the Auditorium of the Middle School Stefanini Avenue Third Army, 35, Treviso 21.00
Gianfranco Bettin : Veneto Regional Council
Umberto Zandigiacomi: Our
Antonella Tocchetto Italy: Treviso City Council
Monica Tiengo: Associazione Ya Basta Laura Treviso
Puppato: Mayor of Montebelluna
Silvano Piazza, Mayor of Silea
are invited citizens, committees, associations engaged in struggles to defend the land and the environment.
For info: treviso@yabasta.it
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