Thursday, June 26, 2008

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Devotion to the Holy Water Blessed

Eau Bénite Devotion Blessed or Holy Water. With the proliferation of the use of perfumed water, medicines and spa, it was perhaps a little languid. Have multiplied acquasantini nelle case, ma servono solo di mostra, perché sono sempre asciutti. Si considera quasi una bigotteria di teste piccine il farne uso fuori delle chiese.
Così non la pensano la Chiesa, i Santi ed i fedeli veramente fedeli. Un giorno conosceremo con rammarico di quanti benefici ci siamo privati con la nostra trascuratezza su questo punto. Non aspettiamo ad apprezzare l'Acqua Benedetta quando essa sarà aspersa sulla nostra bara.

La mia devozione all'acqua benedetta risale alla mia infanzia. In casa nostra c'era sempre l'Acqua santa e la mamma ci faceva dire in dialetto: Acqua santa che mi bagna, Gesù Crist che m'accompagna, bruta bestia (demonio) via da lì; Gesù Crist amnì (venite) con mi.
Quando Then I was in the Novitiate, I was given the task of supplying every week acquasantini, and entering the cells of the monks had to say: Blessed Water! The other said: Sit nobis salus semper et life is always for us salvation and life. Closing the door and I concluded: Amen.

The water in religious history. Water, an essential element in the composition of all organic bodies and the preservation of all life (Thales said that the 4 was the main elements of the world) became among all peoples by means of purification and also the object of worship (worship of water ) or superstition (idromanzia).
In the Bible water is a symbol of blessing and fertility (in Palestine only rains from November to March) and for his impetuosity, even tribulation.

The liturgical use of the water was common among Jews and among all the Pagans (holy water), especially among the Romans. Christians became necessary in the field of Baptism. At first he served as a simple physical purification to entering the basilica for the faithful and priests during the peri sacrifice. (In the Middle Ages gave that use a symbolic meaning expressed by prayers).
Later it was used to bless a special formula (in the West there is the additional salt, a symbol of preservation from corruption), and became the instrument of all other blessings (churches, altars, bells, cemeteries, tombs, houses, food, objects, faithful, etc..) Sacramental use is becoming a privao (acquasantini) is public in the churches (holy water and batteries Asperges Sunday).

The efficacy of holy water is derived from the formula by which the Church blesses. His prayer and faith and good intentions of the faithful have made it a powerful tool to purify the soul from venial sins, to heal the body, for fertility and prosperity to her companions and the cattle and to ward off evil influences on things we use (houses, clothes, food) and especially on the soul by the temptations and obsessions.
impressive in the history of the two possessed of Illfurt is that if in the soup, secretly, you put a drop of Holy Water i due fanciulli andavano in ismanie e si rifiutavano assolutamente di mangiarla.
È diventata proverbiale la potenza dell'Acqua Benedetta sul demonio (fuggire da una cosa come il diavolo dall'Acqua santa).

La Chiesa esorta i fedeli a tenere in casa l'Acqua Benedetta e a servirsene per fare il Segno della croce (ha concesso 7 anni di indulgenza ogni volta), per aspergere il letto prima di coricarsi, segnare con essa i bambini, aspergere i moribondi e i cadaveri.

È anche un prezioso messo per suffragare i defunti. A parte l'autenticità del fatto che si legge nella vita della Ven. Suor Domenica di Gesù, carmelitana, che, ispirata ad aspergere di Acqua Benedetta il teschio che teneva sul genuflessorio, dice that he heard a voice that pleaded: "More, more more! holy water extinguished the flames of Purgatory," we must believe the efficacy of holy water to the dead use which makes the Church in the burials and the fact that the sign of the Cross made with holy water, you get seven years of indulgence every time, applicable to the deceased.
While I shake the hand that we thoroughly dipped in holy water we direct it to the souls in purgatory. It will be for them like drops of water requested by the vainly rich man to Abraham.

blessing formula. First he exorcised salt, "I exorcise, creature of salt, for the living God, who commanded the prophet ... Eliseo disposed of a source to cure infertility, so that health of soul and body and is removed every diabolical fraud ...".
Exorcism of water: "I exorcise that is likely to drive and destroy all evil powers ... and receive power to cast out demons, healing ...".

Library House Madonna - Casale (Al), 1964 - with approval. Eccles.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Acrostic For Aphrodite

:: Grill The concert and the Cooperative Cercina Source:

Dear Degustanti,

Thursday, June 26 De Gustibus reports the review Wines Sites to Cooperativa Agricola La Source Cercina , where last year we spent an exciting evening and unforgettable .

Cooperativa Agricola La Source is managed since 1982 by the Zorn family just above Careggi (Florence), together with their collaborators, a group of disabled children who, through work in the country, participating in all respects to actual production of the farm and are fully integrated into the social life of the place. The farm
is surrounded by olive groves and offers a very impressive view over Florence.
mostly produce oil, but most of the work is absorbed by the small but numerous herds of animals: cows, horses, donkeys, goats and sheep, hens, ducks and geese, bees, pigeons, rabbits and pigs.

The evening will open at 19:30 with a concert of "The Source Small Orchestra", which is the result of a year of testing the children of the Cooperative under the direction of their music teachers.

This is followed by an aperitif and barbecue, where you can enjoy the products of the farm along with other specialties of the area watered wine and water.

The menu includes:

- mixed appetizers: crostini with cercinese fettunta and the oil produced, a taste of meats (including finocchiona "sbriciolona" the Messeri Brothers of Pratolino ) and sheep producers De Gustibus;
- Panzanella;
- Grilled goat, chickens and rabbits;
- Braised Veal Chianino;
- Salad;
- pie and mulled holy

The dinner will be paired with red and white wine producers associated with the De Gustibus Chianti Florentine .

More details on the website and De Gustibus

:: Sites Wines: Barbecue and Concert at The Cooperative Cercina Source:

you there!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Name Ideas For March Of Babies Teams

:: Entertainment and dinner at Villa Palastreto, Quinto Alto (Firenze)::

degustanti Hello,

as time makes us go crazy, no shortage of food and wine also matched a theater.
Such as what I propose, on the recommendation the friend Chiara Ferretti, and that will take 'the coming days, Monday' to Wednesday 16 'June 18, at the Villa Palastreto , location' Quinto Alto a few km from Florence.
A very special show, titled conversation with the man in the closet. Dinner
coupled to the show, at a cost of 15 Euro.
Hurry, places are like hot cakes!
For more information and contacts, download the flyer from the link below

:: Dinner and show theater at Villa Palastreto, Quinto Alto (Firenze)::

Enjoy ;-)


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How Does A Drag Queen Tuck His Penis

: Packed Podere Santa Margherita:: Monteroni d'Arbia, 15 June 2008:: Steak

Degustanti of Tuscany and beyond, succulent

a proposal to spend a pleasant Sunday in the Siena countryside, including cheese and windmills stone still in operation. The site and
'splendid Podere Santa Margherita at Monteroni d'Arbia , a few kilometers south of Siena.
goat cheese and other dairy processing of excellence will be the main theme of the dinner.
menu 'and the proposal can be seen by downloading the flyer from the link below

: Packed Podere Santa Margherita::

For more information, contact Roberto Mushrooms at:

roberto . - \u200b\u200b338 9103413

not to be missed!


Are Hydroxycut Commercials Fake?

d 'summer at the Boneca:: June 13, 2008::

Friday, June 13, opens the summer with a steak at The Boneca Gabriel Giannelli , in places Tizzano, San Polo in Chianti , our host at his estate. From 17:30
, for those who still believe in it, the Boneca provides projector and screen to watch the game with the Europeans Italy-Romania, accompanied by a tasty snack.
After the match, around 21:00 , will start the actual dinner.
In case of rain, the steak will be held the same under a porch surrounded by greenery. The Chianina
of our butcher and a wine of excellence, 's IGT Vigliano the slope of the farm, will be the stars of the dinner.
the kitchen back our partner / chef Simone Pieralli .
We thought this menu:

:: TEA::

- Crushing the oil, finocchiona, ham and red wine John Niedzwiecki ;


- appetizers Breakfast: cheese and pears (pecorino John Niedzwiecki, Linda Rita Deidda of San Galgano organic dairy, cheese, cow Luciano Rocchi Podere Montechiaro Marradi , ham bio of Biotodo brothers Todini of Giuncarico, Grosseto , finocchiona the Messeri Brothers of Pratolino )
- spelled with pesto and green beans and tomatoes;
- various omelets;
- bruschette;
- Chianina steak (the "Queen of the night" )
- Garnishes: radicchio with arugula, grilled vegetables, beans,
- Cake: Sponge cake with strawberries;

For further details and reservations, visit De Gustibus

: De Gustibus: Steak summer:

you there! :-)


Monday, June 9, 2008

Making Money Doing Live Cam

DeGustanti Hello,

gladly also call the Foundation Terra Madre:

"Dear member, Dear member,

help, support, fund a farmer is not a selfless thought. It's something you do for you, for your pleasure at the table for good ideas that gives you a glass of wine, for the emotions that you raise a pristine landscape, why would you want tomorrow, this joy and tactile material will not be denied.
Think, now, the farmer, is an act of necessity, because there 'is the work of others which is so connected to your primary needs of life and at the same time to your pleasure.
Think of the landscape designed by his rake, it will look like, to the joy that gives you. Think
farmers to other corners of the world, doing the same job for someone else's dishes and the landscapes that someone else will.
Think about how important it is that these people who give us every day, the happiness of food to nourish us with a good, clean, fair, to meet, share information, continue to believe in the importance of their work to be able to resist threats multinationals. Therefore, we invite producers
5000 in Turin for Terra Madre : to thank them for what they do, and to urge them not to give up.
is a huge effort, especially from the economic point of view. For this reason we ask you to contribute to the trip Korean fishermen, shepherds the Mongols, the Mexican peasants.
Because what they do with your dish with your thoughts, your happiness. With your life.
Help us organize the biggest event of the farmer to the world, learn how to:

Thank you, Mother Earth Foundation


Saturday, June 7, 2008

What Does Cyst Removal Cost

Prayer. Trinity

for the glorification of his humble servant Melanie Calvat, Shepherdess of La Salette

Melanie Calvat, La Salette O Most Holy Trinity, source of all holiness, We give you the hands of Our Lady of La Salette favorable, reconciliation of sinners, our weak repairs for many satanic blasphemy, for the countless desecration of Sundays and holy days of obligation, and a superb way of an absolute contempt for prayer , of penance and mortification. Let everyone know the immensity of your love for all people, appreciate the heavenly treasure that gives the perfect renunciation of self and the world, and consequently dependent in earthly things only work necessary for eternal salvation.
These gifts were the gifts of Melanie, a faithful messenger of the Queen of Heaven, and its merits ask them there.
please be his favorite virtue, that is, the humility and selflessness, charity, and to manifest more and more his heir at your infinite Majesty, grant us that through his intercession, our prayers, full of faith, trust and love we get the grace ... if it pleases the divine your wishes, I am always grateful for whatever be your will, for many of your spiritual and temporal benefits and so deserve to go, whenever that may be, to worship heaven of eternal happiness. So be it. Three

Pater, Ave and Gloria in the supreme homage to the Holy Trinity and in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Imprimatur: Br Albertus Lepidi, Ord. Praed. SPA May

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

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Secret of a good Confession

Sacred Heart of Mary by consensus of theologians and saints, the lack of sincerity and intentions of pain makes many sacrilegious confessions.
1) THE POWER TO WIN THE FALSE SHAME is a gift of the Heart of Mary. In this regard, it may apply the words of Simeon to Mary (Luke, II, 35): "a sword will pierce your soul, so be revealed thoughts of many hearts" .
2) And the pain's purpose is His gift. God spoke to you when you said to the serpent "I will put enmity between you and Dona, between thy seed and her seed" . Question to Mary so that your sins pei was the Sorrows, the pain and about persevering effective, with this you can call the aspiration of the good confession
Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us who have recourse to You!

Mariana Propaganda - Casale (Ales.), 1963 - with approval. Eccles.

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Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in You!

Sacré-Coeur de Jésus experience will know the effectiveness of this novena:

1, O my Jesus, you said: "Truly I I say, ask and you shall receive, seek and find; knock and it shall be opened, "here I knock, I seek, I ask for the grace ...
Pater, Ave, Gloria. - Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust and hope in Vol

2 ° O My Jesus, you said "I tell you, whatever you ask the Father in My name, He will give it to you" here is that your Father in your name, I ask for the grace ...
Pater, Ave , Gloria. - Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust and hope in Vol

3rd O my Jesus, you said "I tell you, heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never" here is that Encouraged by your infallible words I ask for the grace ...
Pater, Ave, Gloria. - S. Heart of Jesus, I trust and hope in Vol

With permissioine Ecclesiastical
You want to cook the fruit of six daily masses in perpetuity? Ask the Program Management of the Opera Pia S. Heart of Jesus, Rome, Via Marsala, 42.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Why Wont My Trichomoniasis

the School of S. Heart of Jesus

Herz-Jesu-Bild, Feuerstein Calls the Heart of Jesus

1. - Come to me : a) I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. And the way you have to follow - you have to believe The Truth - Life in your soul shall live.
b) I have the remedy of all evil - the consolation of any pain - the rest of all labor.
c) I am the light of your intelligence, - strength of your will, - the full joy of your heart.
SOLVE: I come to Thee, O Jesus, You alone have the words of eternal life. I want to spend this month at your school.
2. - Come to me and contemplates "this heart which has so loved men, and nothing saved up to be depleted and consumed, and they attest to his love! On the other hand, however, does not receive the majority of them that ingratitude ...", Come, read this heart, imitate her virtues, that draws with both hands in that you open this treasure: the treasure of wisdom and love, grace and salvation.
SOLVE: behold 5 minute to the Heart of Jesus and listen to what he says to my heart.
3. - Come to my school . Come without fear, "my heart and passionate love for men and especially for you that the most unable to contain the flames of his burning love, it is necessary that the spilling and they manifest." O Jesus, who revealed himself to me and infiammatemi of your love.
SOLVE: Resolve to get and read the S. Gospel.

The teachings of the Sacred Heart

4. - Be humble here is the first lesson I give you with my example. Finally, I am made small, powerful because I am weak, I have taken the form of master slave e tu che sei nulla ti vorrai innalzare? Chi si esalta sarà umiliato; umiliato spesso anche di qua, certo nell'al di là. È di fede.
RISOLVI: Eviterò ogni ostentazione e vanagloria.
5. - Sii umile di cuore : non per affettazione. Io fui umile nei pensieri, riconoscendo la mia dipendenza del Padre; - nelle parole, attribuendo a Lui ogni gloria; - nelle opere, scegliendo un umile mestiere, - rifiutando gli onori di Re - e lavando i piedi ai miei apostoli.
RISOLVI: Farò qualche servizio al prossimo.
6. - Sii dolce e mansueto : ecco un'altra lezione che non mi stancavo di ripetere. - Siate misericordiosi e troverete misericordia. - Non giudicate e non sarete giudicati. - Perdonate and you will be forgiven. - Who is strict with the other can not belong to my school.
resolved: I will treat everyone with kindness and patience.
7. - Be sweet heart: that I was not alone with my Mom, but with all the sick obtrusive, noisy children, the disciples ignorant and quarrelsome, and especially also with sinners, when they came to me humbled and repentant.
resolved: I will be kind to those who are rude to me.
8. - Be sweet heart. Not for convenience or hypocrisy. I was good with those who offended me, betrayed me, deny me, crucified me. I did not answer their calumnies, insults, spitting, slapping that ... pray with and for them to die.
SOLVE: Beneficherò or pray for my enemies.
9. - The key to heaven . "Watch and pray, lest ye fall into temptation. - We must always pray and never get tired. - Seek and ye shall find. - Knock and it shall be opened. - Ask and you will get." Have you faith in these promises?
resolved: I will better my daily prayers.

The loves and hates of the Heart of Jesus

10. - The love for the Father . I lived for my Father. His will was my food and I came to earth to turn all of my love for him Oh, how they forget the rights of God and trampled his precepts!
SOLVE: Today I will do everything to please God
11. - The love for Mother . "It's my sweet Mother who leads me to open the treasures of my heart and to make new appeal to the good souls ... Oh, my tender Mother! She forms the delight of my heart, that it be yours too!" . (Message d. Sacred Heart).
SOLVE: Solve for dedicated to Our Lady and live in imitation of Jesus in his addiction.
12. - The love for souls. "I thirst, I hunger for souls ... I want anime, anime, anime! I'm not dead for them?" (Message). What did you do to quench this thirst?
SOLVE: Resolve to be an apostle in your environment.
13. - love for the Holy Church . It's my family, my own mystical body. I gave it to the My Blood. I will always be with her, and his enemies will be humiliated.
SOLVE: Solve for love and obey S. Mother Church and ask the grace to live and die in its bosom.
14. - love for priests. "I love both my priests. The priest is another me!" (Message) Oh, how I wish that you respect it, defend it and praying for his holiness!
SOLVE: I do not ever let any criticism about them, even as I defend them.
15. - love for the poor and the sick . Here are my preferences. I left them there for an inheritance, replacing myself with great promise for those who will take care "What will you do to them for my love, I'll pay as done to myself. "
SOLVE will visit some poor sick.
16. - The love of humiliations . I thirst for humiliation, compensation was the best I could give to God for pride men. I tried the humiliation in the birth, life, death, again - and instead you run away in horror.
SOLVE: Shun the ambition and luxury.
17. - The hatred of the Heart of Jesus . You have to imitate the Heart of Jesus, not only in his loves, but also in its hatred. Jesus came to fight and destroy the empire of sin and showed himself an implacable hatred of the research honors, pleasures, and wealth, which is the spirit of that world is the enemy of God and Christ in protest of not wanting to pray.
SOLVE: My hatred must be those of Jesus

Virtues of the Heart of Jesus

18. - Obedience . It was the hand of the sinner's rebellion. Man rebelled against God and I did obedient to men, even wicked, e. .. until his death.
SOLVE: obey without excuses.
19. - Poverty . The greed of wealth is the great disease of men. I was born to heal up in a stable and died of a cross. Oh, how I love holy poverty!
SOLVE: I do not worry about the worldly goods.
20. - Chastity . Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God - is to prevent impurities to understand my love and enjoy the consolations of piety.
resolved: I will avoid any dangerous friendship.

The Cross of the Sacred Heart

21. - The devotion to the Passion . "The ingratitude of men I is more sensitive to what I suffered in my passion, so that if I would make some parts of love, to estimate just what I did for them and would, if it were possible to do even more." O dear Jesus, and you could do more?
SOLVE: adopt the practice of "Via Crucis".
22. - Mortification . "The Cross was planted in my heart since the Incarnation with the continued forecast of my Passion. And who would come after me must deny himself and take up his Cross."
resolved: I will treat my body with austerity.

Thorns of the Sacred Heart

23. - The oaths . "My name is everywhere blasphemed. Blasphemy is the sin of the devil ... it is a poisoned arrow that always hurt me the Heart." (Jesus to Sister Saint-Pierre).
SOLVE: Hearing oaths say a short prayer.
24. - "Irreverent, coldness, sacrilege, especially to my sacrament love, that's the reward in that heart which has so loved men. And what's more is that it is so embittered they treat Christians and the same hearts consecrated to Him "... And Jesus called St. Margaret and I invite you to become a victim for sinners to turn away from them the inevitable punishment. The Sin is a debt and debt must be paid.
SOLVE: I'll do some act of mortification.
25. - The lack of confidence. "Writing the main thing I want you to know is that I love and all that the most great pain, that we can give to my heart, and to doubt my goodness "(Jesus to Sister Benign Ferrero).
often REPEAT: Heart of Jesus, I trust in You. (300 g.).

Promises of the Heart of Jesus

26. - Promises of Jesus to lure more and more devotion to his SS. Heart. - 1) Individuals: The Plague of his heart will be the source of grace, a place of refuge, a source of consolation and causes of blessing. - 2) Families promises peace and security. - 3) For the sinners conversion. - 4) For the warm fervor. - 5) For the fervent holiness. - 6) To support priests in their ministry. - 7) The Community Union. - 8) is the nations victory.
SOLVE: I want to assure the promises of S. Heart with a tender, constant practice and devotion.
27. - The great promise . "I promise in the excessive mercy of My Heart that My all-powerful love will grant to all those who communicate on the 1st Friday of the month for 9 consecutive months the grace of final perseverance; not die in my disgrace nor without receiving the sacraments, serving my Heart to their safe refuge in that last hour "
resolved: I'll apostle of the 1st practice Friday.

Desires of the Heart of Jesus

28. - Love . Jesus loves all indulgently of the Creator - with attractive Savior - with security of the Father - with the tenderness of a mother - with intimacy Brother, - with loyalty to friends ... but as few people including, appreciate and reciprocate his love! - Jesus asks you, as in S. Margaret, begging for a little 'love saying: At least you love me!
SOLVE: Why so late, or Jesus, I knew you? I want the future to redeem the lost time.
29. - Repair . Love and repair, is the essence of this devotion. You can not love and do not really feel the need to redress the terrible wrongs that human Jesus recevie ingratitude. You need to have a heart of stone to be insensitive to the agonizing cries of the Heart of Jesus! - He, like a day in Gethsemane, suggests you look for comforters and practices best suited to console his heart: 1) Comunione frequente specialmente nei primi Venerdì; 2) l'Ora Santa; 3) il culto della sua Immagine; 4) la Consacrazione delle famiglie e 5) specialmente la Consacrazione del tuo cuore con cui terminerai questo mese.
RISOLVI: Mi iscriverò a qualche Associazione Riparatrice in onore del S. Curoe e ne osserverò gli obblighi.
30. - Consacrazione . Corona questo mese con una fervorosa e totale consacrazione di tutto te stesso al S. Cuore per le mani purissime di Maria: è questo il più ardente desiderio di Gesù. Questa consacrazione, al dir di S. Margherita, è un preservativo dal peccato mortale, una via regale ella santità e della pace, la chiave che dischiude i tesori del S. Cuore, un pegno di predestiazione.
RIPETI: spesso: S. Cuore di Gesù, mi dono tutto a Voi per mezzo di Maria. (300 g. o. v.).

Scegli ogni giorno una giaculatoria

Per le prime 3: 500 g. o. v.; per le altre 300 g. o. v.
Cuore di Gesù, infiammato d'amore per noi, infiamma il nostro cuore d'amore per Te.
Gesù mite e umile di cuore, rendete il cuor mio simile al vostro.
Amato sia dappertutto il S. Cuore di Gesù.
S. Cuore di Gesù, venga il tuo regno.
Cuore divino di Gesù, convertite i peccatori, salvate i moribondi, liberate le anime sante del purgatorio.
S. Cuore di Gesù, credo al tuo amore per me.
Glory, love and gratitude to S. Heart of Jesus
Sweet Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us and our erring brothers.
All for You, Sacred Heart of Jesus
S. Heart of Jesus, you know, be loved, be imitated.
S. Heart of Jesus, protect our families.
Sweet Heart of Jesus, be my love.
S. Heart of Jesus, I love you and make you love.
S. Heart of Jesus, I love you! Convert the poor blasphemers.
O Mary, comforter of the true Heart of Jesus, help us to comfort the S. Heart of your Divine Son.

Fioretti in onore del SS. Cuore di Gesù