Lotta per la giustizia sociale e climatica. Perché il cambiamento climatico rende tutti precari.
La crisi economica ha pesantemente colpito il precariato, cioè l’insieme di quei contratti atipici, interinali, part-time nei servizi e nell’industrai, più di qualsiasi altra classe sociale. Milioni di giovani, donne e immigrati precari perdono il lavoro a causa della Grande Recessione. Dagli Stati Uniti all’Europa, dall’Islanda al Giappone la disoccupazione è skyrocketed.
Those responsible for the crisis - the big banks, investment funds, the neo-liberal economists and politicians - whitewash scandals and flourish without shame hoping to go on as if nothing had happened. Governments are trillions to bankers and nuts to secure jobs. Demonstrations and protests are spreading in response to this, even against a new wave of racism and xenophobia, but the pressure against the political and economic power is still not enough, although we have a Serb in the autumn of fire that could undermine this balance.
However, the horizon of this historic capitalist crisis looms if they have another even greater global warming and climate change caused accumulation of capital drawn from fossil fuels. The human race is in danger, and by mid-century, millions of people could disappear from the face of the earth if not overdeveloped economies cut emissions. We must bring under control the major causes of greenhouse gas (petroleum companies, coal, energy conglomerates, companies their manufacturing and logistics, the aviation industry, fast food el'agrindustria, luxury tourism, etc...)
December in Copenhagen is an excellent opportunity to do so. From December 7 to 18, the UN Climate Summit - COP15 - will take place in the Danish capital, a city with strong traditions and a radical history of this movement of rebellion. All state and economic elites of every country in the world will gather at the Bella Center in Copenhagen in search of a successor protocol Kyoto, including powers such as the United States, China and India who had not signed.
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