It is called ' This Land is our land , "takes place April 15 to 19 between Treviso and Montebelluna, and organized by Ya Basta, Town Common Good, Country Environment, Environmental League, April 18 De 'Longhi, Italy Nostra, another Treviso, and another ten UbikLab associations who care about the fate of territorio.E 'counter-summit than the Ministers of Agriculture del G8 a Castelbrando.
E ha un calendario e una serie di ospiti di valore assoluto.
Da Marco Paolini che apre la serie di avvenimenti al Palamazzalovo il 15, a Oscar Oliveira (Bolivia), Subramaniam Kannaiyan (India) e Francinaldo Correira (Brasile) che giovedì 16 (Treviso Piazzetta Indipendenza, ore 18,30) assisteranno al reading di Mauro Milan che racconta «l'invasione della terra dei Mapuche, Argentina-Patagonia, da parte di Benetton». In serata (alle 21, al Riccati), «Percorsi di economia solidale: tra crisi economica e crisi antropologica». Il 17 Montebelluna festival and fair-trade market in the squares and streets of Montebelluna, followed at 21 by the debate on "climate crisis, energy crisis, economic crisis," which sees presenters Oliveira, Paolo Cacciari, Giuseppe Caccia, Guido and Alberto Viale Zoratti.Sabato 18, in the afternoon, Montebelluna, organic products trade show, meeting on "Food crisis, environmental crisis" with a member of Network Rade Resch, Kannaiyan and Correia. At 20 screening of the video "The dignified rage." Sundays from 10 to Montebelluna, at 10, you continue with the show bio, a meeting on "scenarios in the agricultural world in the era of global crisis." To 12 GM debate led by Frederick Fazzuoli (inventor of well-known broadcast Sunday 'Green Line'). "A threat to health and food traditions." Spoke as speakers Joseph Altieri, Giuseppe Nacci, Peter and Henry Lucconi Perrino.
At 16 'Reflections on Nuclear with Gianni Tamino, a former Member and MEP, and Gianfranco Bettin, regional advisor of the Greens. Following the meeting of the committees throughout the North East, networks, environmental groups and spontaneous officers who are fighting to defend the territory
At 21-concert reading with Mirko Artuso, Ricky Bizarre, Marco and Steve Balestracci From Col. Special guest: guitarist Tolo Marton Treviso.
At 16 'Reflections on Nuclear with Gianni Tamino, a former Member and MEP, and Gianfranco Bettin, regional advisor of the Greens. Following the meeting of the committees throughout the North East, networks, environmental groups and spontaneous officers who are fighting to defend the territory
At 21-concert reading with Mirko Artuso, Ricky Bizarre, Marco and Steve Balestracci From Col. Special guest: guitarist Tolo Marton Treviso.
press clippings Tribuna di Treviso April 10, 2009
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