While those who decide the fate of the Earth (and land in lower case, and under ' Water and Food) gather for a G8 Castelbrando in Agriculture, in plain, in Marca, talking about culture and respect for the earth. A counter-summit, than that of G8 ministers of Agriculture, is so called, between Montebelluna and Treviso, with moments of "high" and worthy of being reported and followed up. as "high", if only to gauge the character that is spent on stage, is a recital by Marco Paolini, entitled vardar Par ', which will be held April 15 to 21 in Palamazzalovo of Montebellu-na.
The recital is unpublished, prepared specially for the occasion, and opens a series of events that are involved, on the big issues, prominent figures of the counterculture. La Marca, in short, will not be in the coming days, only the seat of the decisions of the "powerful" of the Earth, but also a place for debate on those who, not wanting to hear ... im powerful, they want to tell everyone how much the decisions of multinational corporations ( who have already sent word, as the premise of the conference Casteibrando, that "the world food production must double-quick, with obvious increase in the production of GM crops) are contrary to the respect and protection for the globe.
The spectacle of Marco Paolini, actor-narrator-author who has issued from the Treviso a great flight in the panorama of national performing arts and culture, will be partly an unprecedented 'coined' specially for the occasion of "This Land is our land." "I'm still working - Paolini-anticipated but I will certainly fail to catch from the baggage of my previous shows, all that is the subject of land and water. So, the thread will be the beautiful poems of the poets of Northwest already has been the backbone of performances of the recent past. " Marin, Calzavara, Noventa and all the classics' Veneto ', topped by a series of reflections on land and water (just on the latter, its "privatization" as opposed to the concept of "common heritage and free"' s actor-author did a show dedicated), then constitute the basis on which to work, in these days before the show to Palamazzalovo, Paolini.
The fact that open and close the five-day festival are two "events" (close to the actor will be called Mirko Artuso, songwriter Bizarre Ricky and his band, as well as the great bluesman Treviso Tolo Marton, guitarist Hendrix Award) naturally has a meaning: to draw mass attention of people on these issues that are fundamental for the future of all humanity and not - as some would like - that part which is identified with the interests (all aimed at economic and gain a few) of multinational agribusiness.
press clippings Tribuna di Treviso April 10, 2009
The recital is unpublished, prepared specially for the occasion, and opens a series of events that are involved, on the big issues, prominent figures of the counterculture. La Marca, in short, will not be in the coming days, only the seat of the decisions of the "powerful" of the Earth, but also a place for debate on those who, not wanting to hear ... im powerful, they want to tell everyone how much the decisions of multinational corporations ( who have already sent word, as the premise of the conference Casteibrando, that "the world food production must double-quick, with obvious increase in the production of GM crops) are contrary to the respect and protection for the globe.
The spectacle of Marco Paolini, actor-narrator-author who has issued from the Treviso a great flight in the panorama of national performing arts and culture, will be partly an unprecedented 'coined' specially for the occasion of "This Land is our land." "I'm still working - Paolini-anticipated but I will certainly fail to catch from the baggage of my previous shows, all that is the subject of land and water. So, the thread will be the beautiful poems of the poets of Northwest already has been the backbone of performances of the recent past. " Marin, Calzavara, Noventa and all the classics' Veneto ', topped by a series of reflections on land and water (just on the latter, its "privatization" as opposed to the concept of "common heritage and free"' s actor-author did a show dedicated), then constitute the basis on which to work, in these days before the show to Palamazzalovo, Paolini.
The fact that open and close the five-day festival are two "events" (close to the actor will be called Mirko Artuso, songwriter Bizarre Ricky and his band, as well as the great bluesman Treviso Tolo Marton, guitarist Hendrix Award) naturally has a meaning: to draw mass attention of people on these issues that are fundamental for the future of all humanity and not - as some would like - that part which is identified with the interests (all aimed at economic and gain a few) of multinational agribusiness.
press clippings Tribuna di Treviso April 10, 2009
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