Monday, June 29, 2009

How To Remove Testicle Wart

Salve DeGustanti,

vi riproponiamo un appuntamento consueto che ormai non ha hardly need an introduction: the weekend of July at the Farm Paugnano John Porcu, Radicondoli.
And this year, including a swim and dinner, you can try to create your own cheese . Book and stay
, degustanti ... the night 'long ... and then, even the morning after breakfast really deserves your presence!

We wait.


at the Azienda Agricola Podere Paugnano
Radicondoli (SI)
Saturday, July 4, 2009, FROM AFTER LUNCH ONWARDS

special surprise: at around 17:30, the first appetizer, John will introduce you to the secrets of cheese with a short but interesting bio tour ... and those interested can also participate in a real laboratory and learn to make their own cheese.
From about 19:30 onwards will be served an aperitif with cheese in farm products and wine glass. An hour later followed by the dinner itself, with products exclusively made in house.
Here is the menu 'of the evening:

:: BY FOOD::

- The Taste of cheese mixed farm;
- homemade ravioli with ricotta, tomato and basil;
- the mixed grill of sheep and pigs;
- Side salad and grilled vegetables;
- Seadas homemade desserts;
- Caffe '


- local red wine, water, myrtle

Sardinia Price: €

28 for members, € 33.00 for non-members to be associated therefore, receiving the card De Gustibus valid for 2009.

The laboratory cheese has a surcharge of 5.00 € per person .


places for dinner are closely limited to 30 (hurry, they are almost sold out !!!), while the laboratory of cheese is available for up to 15 places ... We ask you to book in plenty of time!
For reservations, contact us at within 19 Thursday, July 2 :

Donato Iozzelli - 335 1535965 -


For those wishing to take advantage of the weekend, there is the possibility of staying on a farm and spend the next day at sea (Paugnano is across the street from where you reach Follonica, Castiglione della Pescaia, Venturina, Torre Mozza ...) or a visit to the fascinating natural and cultural landscape surrounding (Volterra, the Abbey of San Galgano and the Hermitage of Montesiepi, the sword in the stone). Given the proximity, we suggest a shift in Colle Val d'Elsa, Monteriggioni and San Gimignano.
At the event, and in case the indoor seats were sold out, John also offers its ground for a tent and enjoy a summer night in July under the stars ...
The breakfast is available at 5.00 Euro with sweet fresh ricotta made the same morning.

TEL. 0577 793027 - INTERNET:
Come raggiungere il Podere Paugnano:
Dalla Superstrada Firenze-Siena, uscire per Colle Val d'Elsa e imboccare la strada statale n. 541 (SS 541). Percorrerla fino al bivio per Radicondoli, senza entrare in paese, e proseguire in direzione Belforte (senza raggiungerlo!); troverete il cartello dell'Azienda Paugnano lungo la strada, sul lato destro. Una discesa alberata, costeggiata da filari di giovani cipressi vi condurrà all'agriturismo di Giovanni Porcu. Potete anche provare ad inserire la dicitura podere paugnano su Google Maps ( ).

Vi aspettiamo, Degustanti!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hamilton Beach Mix Master Modelk

With the boys of The Source of kites and seals!

Cari DeGustanti,

quest’anno il nostro appuntamento presso la Cooperativa Agricola La Fonte di Cercina, che ormai da due anni fa parte della nostra rassegna Luoghi DiVini , si terrà il 24 Giugno , per la festa di San Giovanni. Dalla fattoria si potranno anche ammirare i tradizionali fòchi , al riparo da code e folla, macchine e motorini che ogni anno invadono i lungarni Florence.

The cooperative is located just above Careggi, on the hills between Florence and Sesto Fiorentino, 1982 and is managed by the family Zorn . As a team, a group of disabled children, through work in the country, participating in all effects on the actual production of the farm and are fully integrated into the social life of the place. The farm is surrounded by olive groves and offers a very attractive view over Florence. The production is focused primarily on oil virgin, even though most of the work is absorbed by the small - but many - herds of animals: cows, horses, donkeys, goats and sheep, chickens ducks and geese, bees, pigeons, rabbits and pigs. Those who have already participated in previous years the dinners of the boys of the cooperative farm, knows that the experience and place transmit a unique energy, making the event exciting and memorable.

year, before dinner, you will have the opportunity to participate in a workshop to build kites . The workshop starts at 17:00, and you need not bring any equipment, just you leave a cost contribution to Maximilian, who will guide and help during construction, with all the necessary materials. And finally, wind permitting, the kites will take il volo!

Successivamente, serviremo l’aperitivo e la grigliata, per farvi assaggiare i prodotti della fattoria insieme ad altre specialità tipiche della zona... tutto innaffiato da vino e acqua in abbondanza. Il menu' della serata:

I Crostini Toscani alla 'cercinese';

La Fettunta con l’olio extravergine di produzione propria;

Gli Assaggi di Affettati (tra cui la finocchiona “sbriciolona” dei fratelli Messeri di Pratolino) e di pecorini dei produttori De Gustibus;

La Panzanella;

Le Grigliate: maialino, polli e conigli allevati in fattoria;

The mixed salad;

the crust and the Vin Santo.

:: DRINK::

From Chianti, the red and white wine producers of De Gustibus;

Price: 30 € for members, € 35.00 for non-members to be associated therefore, De Gustibus getting the card valid for 2009.


The children of the agricultural cooperative need time to get organized ... We ask you to book as soon as possible if you decide to come ;-) For reservations, contact us at within 18 Sunday June 21 :

Donato Iozzelli - 335 1535965 - ;

Stefan Jocher - 349 2895233 - .


the Casino, 2 - 50019, CERCINA, Sesto Fiorentino (Florence) TEL. 055 402334 - INTERNET:

How to reach The Source: From
Careggi Viale Gaetano Pieraccini take and follow the signs to the Chapel to say farewell. Overcome them and stay on Via delle Masse and then up Via Dante da Castiglione for about 7 km to the square of the Parish S. Andrea in Cercina.
Dalla Via Bolognese, arrived at Pian di S. Bartolo, turn towards Cercina (left if coming from Florence) Via della Docciola. Continue for about 5 km to the square of the Parish of St. Andrea in Cercina. Parking in the square and walk up the path of Casina. The event takes place in the yellow farmhouse at No. 2 (100 meters).
You can also enter the address (Via della Casina, 2-50019 Cercina, Sesto Fiorentino) Google Maps ( ).

We look Degustanti!

Friday, June 12, 2009

What's Inside Lip Gloss ?.

.** This land is our land - An evening dedicated to the natives of America Latin

Sunday, June 21 at 21:30
Sherwood Festival 2009
Stadium North Parking Euganeo
Padova V.le Nereo Rocco

c / o Cinestreet
"This land is our terra"
Serata dedicata agli indigeni dell’America Latina a cura dell’Associazione Ya Basta.

Le lotte comunitari in difesa dei beni comuni e della terra dal Messico al Perù, affermano nella modernità del tempo della crisi, la possibilità di costruire un mondo diverso.

“Con tutti i colori, il fiore che siamo del colore della terra, avrà un domani … “ Subcomandante Marcos

Ore 18.00 Incontro sulle Carovane Presenz/attiva Estate 2009: Compartir autonomia, Chiapas Messico, Otra Midad del mundo, Ecuador Zona Amazzonia, Ande e Costa.

Dalle 20.00 Cena-Buffet argentina a sostegno di Radio Mapuche. La voce libera contro la nuova invasione di Benetton and multinationals. The recovery of the land of Santa Rosa against Benetton. The Benetton empire. Still arrogance of Benetton.

Pueblos 21:00 From: Meeting, in collaboration with the Association Yaku, the indigenous people of Morelos Nahuatl Mexican protection of air, water and earth. The social and political situation in Mexico.
Starring: Saul Roque;
Taita, the spiritual leader of Nahua Xoxocotla, the birthplace of Zapata;
Fernanda Robinson, Brazilian photographer, a scholar of Mesoamerican indigenous cultures, executive producer of the film "13 Pueblos en defenza del agua, el aire y la tierra "Francesco Taboada Tabone, Mexican director of the documentary film "13 Pueblos en defenza del agua, el aire y la tierra."

to 23.00 Screening of the award-winning documentary film "13 Pueblos en defenza del agua, el aire y la tierra", evidence of the struggle of the indigenous communities of Morelos in defense of the management of their ancestral territories.

the evening will be presented the book: "So tell our elders. Narratives of indigenous peoples," Subcomandante Marcos.
Edition Edited by 'Association Ya Basta
Translated by Claudio Dionesalvi
Photography Simon Granat

When a school is studying the history of the indigenous peoples of America, boys and girls find it hard to believe that there remains the Maya. In fact, school books teach that were exterminated by the conquistadors five centuries ago in Europe and a similar fate has befallen the Red Indians, the Aztecs and the Incas.
Yet the Maya are still there, in southeastern Mexico, in Chiapas. Cultivate the land they have occupied during the uprising in January 1994. Administer the liberated territories. They resist the continuous attacks of the Mexican government that canceled their rights and would like to annihilate the identity and historical memory. They designed
un proprio sistema amministrativo che funziona fuori dalle istituzioni del malgoverno. Indossano il passamontagna dell’EZLN, affinché il mondo sappia che esistono. Come altre popolazioni indigene del continente americano, i Maya non si rassegnano. Per milioni di uomini e donne di tutto il mondo la loro ribellione è uno spiraglio di luce e speranza. Perché non essendo una rivolta desiderosa di conquistare il potere, riesce a realizzare un modo diverso di creare relazioni umane, abitare i luoghi e costruire democrazia Gli zapatisti parlano con gli occhi e vedono con le parole. Le loro forme di comunicazione e di lotta ci insegnano a pensare ed agire al plurale. A migliaia di chilometri di distanza il loro cammino di autonomia contribuisce a dare un senso ad innumerevoli esperienze di ribellione che fioriscono in diverse zone del pianeta.
L’Esercito Zapatista di Liberazione Nazionale ci insegna che la qualità del cammino è più importante della meta da raggiungere. Non esiste una strada già tracciata. Bisogna realizzarla insieme.
In carovana con l’Associazione Ya Basta abbiamo incontrato l’autonomia zapatista e l’Altra Campagna: un’esperienza di democrazia dal basso che si compie mediante un percorso di incontri con le comunità ed i movimenti che in quella zona della Terra resistono al neoliberismo. Attraverso i linguaggi della poesia, rievocando l’epica indigena, in questo cammino collettivo chiamato Altra Campagna che si compie grazie alla capacità di ascoltare peoples, Subcomandante Marcos said the rebels dream of a present and a future to be built. Fighting for human dignity. The stories that we publish
bring a date. Were written and read during the meetings that Subcomandante Marcos, Delegate Zero, played in Mexico during the first months of 2006 and began to take shape, the Other Campaign.
In many cases, the Zapatistas, the dates do not matter, read back through the eyes of today we need to reflect on this fact in Mexico and our house.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Nick And Nora Sheets Full


Dear DeGustanti,

like every summer, our review Sites Wines pays tribute to a match winning run-in now: the 'flesh' and the wine, ie the Chianina steak and his supporting actor - the wine - made from Sangiovese, a pairs of Tuscan par excellence.

This time we will be guests of the farm Vigliano Brothers and Paul Lawrence (pictured) Marchionni , young and enterprising tenants who, with passion and total dedication, have given life to one of the most excellent wineries on the Tuscany.
Located in the village of Vigliano , beautiful hills of San Martino alla Palma and a few km from Scandicci, Marchionni brothers of the company focuses its production on a few great wines: RossoVigliano , combined infinite capacity; the steep, big red, austere and powerful, ready for more challenging matches and unforgettable tasting; The Erta Chardonnay, a great white, came from a few years to be part of the good things, good and hard. A Vigliano also produces extra virgin olive oil DOP Colline di Firenze , confirming as Tuscany is all beautifully suited to the olive.

special guest of the evening, Alessio Becacci : Florentine doc 40 years, proudly carries on the business and culture handed down from father (still working every day), shepherd in the hills around Vigliano. Since its production, taste and an extraordinary wonderful pecorino cheese ; by his voice, hear the passion for grazing through anecdotes and little curiosity.

And if the day proves to be particularly hot, a quick bath in the late afternoon pool, first became interested in food and wine, will be the best way to start the evening. Do not forget to bring your costume ...

FRIDAY 'June 12, 2009, FROM 18:30 PM

menu 'of the evening :


- affects in taste
- The Cheese and Alessio Becacci De Gustibus of taste in

-:: The steak on the fire Mirco :

- the mixed grill
- baked potatoes and salads Beatrice and Simone
- seasonal fruit


- RossoVigliano
the slope - the slope Chardonnay

Price: 33 € for members, € 38.00 for non-members to be associated therefore, receiving the card
De Gustibus valid for 2009.

For reservations, please contact us at the following address within 18 Thursday, June 11:

Ciabini Thomas - 340 5796207 -


ROUTE OF Carcheri, 309 to 50,010, LOC. Vigla - San Martino alla Palma (FLORENCE)
TEL. 055 8727040 - Internet:

Vigliano How to reach:

Coming from the direction MILAN / ROME: Take the Scandicci exit
del Sole - A1

For those arriving from Florence City or from the Tuscan coast:
Scandicci exit the SGC Florence-Pisa-Livorno (FI - PI - LI)
At the first roundabout bear right towards Scandicci; second roundabout, take the second right towards Scandicci, third roundabout take the first right (Via Pisana) towards Lastra a Signa, turn left towards Vigliano (Via delle Fonti) and proceed approximately 3 km to the gate falling gray on the right.

You can also enter the address (Carcheri Way, 309-50010 San Martino alla Palma)
on Google Maps ( ).


to park, but unfortunately are only available within the few parking spaces, we recommend that you park along the roadside, or to organize any car leaving the road at the beginning of sources (the intersection with Via Pisana).