Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Acupuncture Maralgia Paraesthetica

existing Treviso to Copenhagen: audio interviews

Interviste in vista dell’incontro pubblico di

Venerdì 4 dicembre

presso l’Auditorium della Scuola media Stefanini, viale Terza Armata, 35, Treviso

alle ore 21.00

per info sull'incontro dibattito:


Saturday, November 28, 2009

How Much Does Surgical Removal Of A Cyst Cost

Towards Copenhagen: Blitz Communicative Treviso

Treviso, Piazzetta Independence, November 28, 2009

This morning in Treviso was held the press conference to present the evening of Dec. 4:

There See you in Copenhagen climate insecurity and ecological commons

Organizers of the event (Ya Basta, UbikLab and This Land is Our Land) have implemented a blitz of communication to emphasize the importance of Climate Conference to be held in Copenhagen in December.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Lilli Carati Viziosa Dvd

See you in Copenhagen: Insecurity climate and environmental commons

Dall 'December 7 to 18 will take place in Copenhagen, the largest United Nations Conference on Climate Change, COP15, but China and U.S. join forces so that there is no agreement on CO2 emissions.

policies on climate change affect us all because once you decide on the future of "our land", the air we breathe, the water we drink, the area which we live. The precarious climate is not an issue for employees works or for an elite of ecologists.

The same global economic crisis is highly related to environmental issues, resources, energy .... This is why the global and local battles in defense, public goods, are of fundamental importance to the possibility of building a way out of crisis in which the environment, human dignity, common goods and all our activities are safeguarded by the policies of those who, ravaging the territories, led to the current disastrous situation.

From local to global to create a space for discussion on the environmental crisis from the system that created it:

Friday, December 4 at the Auditorium of the Middle School Stefanini Avenue Third Army, 35, Treviso 21.00

Gianfranco Bettin : Veneto Regional Council
Umberto Zandigiacomi: Our
Antonella Tocchetto Italy: Treviso City Council
Monica Tiengo: Associazione Ya Basta Laura Treviso
Puppato: Mayor of Montebelluna
Silvano Piazza, Mayor of Silea

are invited citizens, committees, associations engaged in struggles to defend the land and the environment.

For info:

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Gucci Outlet Locations Vegas

\u0026lt;-350 Treviso -> -> Copenhagen

Friday, November 13, 2009

Small Trebuchet Blueprints Free

chestnuts, sweets, mulled wine and local products

Domenica 22 novembre dalle ore 14.00 tradizionale castagnata con:

vin brulè
e prodotti locali

il tutto presso " Il Campetto " in Via Paludetti quartiere di San Giuseppe a Treviso.

Indicazioni stradali : ai piedi del cavalcavia di S. Giuseppe Via Noalese/SR15 – Treviso – prendere la 2.a laterale a destra Via Albertino Da Corona, procedere per 200 metri e prendere la 1.a a sinistra in corrispondenza di Via Paludetti. Proseguire lungo via Paludetti per circa 800 metri superando il passaggio a livello. Prima della curva a gomito verso sinistra sulla destra si trova l’indicazione de “Il Campetto”.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Buy Green Tea Shot In A Can

Uni.Nomade in Venice Saturday 14 and Sunday, November 15

presso Venice International University – Isola di San Servolo

due giornate seminariali dedicated to the economic crisis and ecological

First day

Saturday, November 14, 2009

FINANCIAL CRISIS and "Economic Community"

The process of accumulation and exploitation contemporary, cognitive-relational, relies increasingly on the use of cognitive and spatial commons. The same dynamic productivity tends to depend on the evolution of new types of economies of scale, marked from "economies of scale and social dynamics: learning and networking.

These are two processes that have to do with cognitive elements and spatial (virtual or not), who question not only the traditional ownership structure of Fordist-based public-private dichotomy, but also the very foundations of economic theory, whether liberal or not.

At the same time, the process of financial activities has made the central role of financial markets as a new generation of development and production of linguistic conventions "that make the money a" common good endogenous, "that increasingly escapes the control imposed by the rights of state seigniorage . It therefore becomes increasingly necessary to investigate more rigorously, the concept of common good, identify the boundaries and features and, above all, to analyze how the human work that generates the "common" is increasingly subject to a process of "abstraction "by capital.

First session (morning): knowledge and social-spatial relations as community property.

10.00 am

Introduction and coordination: Sandro Mezzadra

Report Andrea Fumagalli

Report Stefano Micelli

Discussant: Federico Chicchi e Devi Sacchetto

Seconda sessione (pomeriggio): linguaggio e moneta come “beni comuni”?

ore 15.00

Introduce e coordina: Andrea Fumagalli

Report Christian Marazzi

Discussant: Stefano Lucarelli and Toni Negri

----------------------------------- ----------------

Second day

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Starting from the assumption are far from obvious and, therefore the global ecological crisis or the crisis of the very conditions that have so far allowed the reproduction of life within the biosphere, can no longer be considered a "second contradiction" with respect to capital conflict / work but requires conceptual tools e analitici che permettano di coglierne appieno portata ed effetti, si propone di articolare questo iniziale momento di lavoro in due parti.

In mattinata si tratterà di puntualizzare la lettura della crisi come “concatenamento sistemico”. Nell’approssimare una definizione di “comune ecologico” si cercherà di verificare se e in quale misura possa essere considerata superata una lettura del ciclo capitalistico, e degli antagonismi che lo mettevano in modo, attraverso lo schema di successione lineare tra lotte-crisi-ristrutturazione-sviluppo. Dal punto di vista concettuale si proporrà di superare la rigida distinzione tra un “comune naturale” e un “comune artificiale”. A partire dal superamento delle contrapposizione tra paradigmi della scarsità e della ricchezza, saranno ripercorse criticamente le diverse culture politiche che su questi temi si sono confrontate (sostenibilità, decrescita, ecologia politica).

Nel pomeriggio si propone che questo piano di discussione concettuale sia verificato sul terreno dell’analisi della crisi energetica nella crisi globale. Sarà affrontato il rapporto tra  fonti energetiche e modello di accumulazione capitalistica e tra produzione energetica e forma politica command. In particular, since the prevailing crisis caused by the use of fossil fuels, we will discuss the geopolitical implications and prospects for long-term nature of real or an illusion of a "green economy", based on the wide use of renewable sources, as the flywheel of a new phase of expansion, the effective area of \u200b\u200bpractice of 'energy independence. "

First session (morning): fundamental concepts and critical political cultures.

10.00 am

Introduction and coordination: Beppe Caccia

Report Gianfranco Bettin

Report Guido Viale


Second session (afternoon): precarious climate and energy issues, "Green economy".


Introduction and coordination: Adelino Zanini

Report Ivo Gallimberti

Discussant: Luca Tornatore, Alberto Mazzoni and

Gianmarco De Pieri

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Taekwondo Testing Price

COP15 ... to Copenhagen

verticevertice is coming to Copenhagen (COP 15 in December) in which decide if you do something concrete to reduce emissions or delude ourselves if a little 'that is enough talking about it and procrastinate to solve a global problem.

Many of us are organizing to physically go to all the initiatives taking place in those days in the Danish capital. There just seemed to take a local path and organize initiatives here (public meetings, debates, joint actions) to ensure that even in our territories to come on the debate than what we consider one of the most important issues.


Proponiamo un incontro/riunione aperto a tutti coloro che hanno voglia di organizzare insieme a noi degli eventi che ci portino alle giornate di Copenhagen.


Giovedì 5 novembre ore 21.00 presso la sede dell'ADL in vicolo marco polo 6 a Treviso.


A presto


Associazione Ya Basta


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fencing In A Baseball Field

A Sunday lunch in Val di Chiana

L’Associazione De Gustibus presenta:


:: Domenica in Val di Chiana ::


Agriturismo La Pievuccia

Località S. Lucia, 118 – 520430 Castiglion Fiorentino (AR) - Tel./Fax : 0575 651007- Cell.: 329 6143882 -

Luoghi Di Vini approda finalmente in Val di Chiana, dove saremo ospiti dell' Agriturismo La Pievuccia , produttore biologico di vino e olio extravergine, agriturismo e ristorante a pochi passi dal comune Castiglion Fiorentino. Richard, owner and operator of the farm, with us for a tour of the vineyards and winery , telling the story of the company, some mention of agronomy, the way we produce.

tell us something: The Pievuccia, organic farm since 1995 , owns about 5 hectares of vineyards, olive groves and 5 of 11 people at the farmhouse. For making wine since 2007 are no longer used yeast, and this year the compost has been deleted. We will taste the new wines, those "older" ... and probably will already begun harvesting olives .
L ' arrival in company scheduled for 11:30 , and we sit around at 13:00 for lunch.

For those who want to continue the day, at about 15:30 proposes a hike in the beautiful town of Cortona the driving Eleanor Smith : starting from the farm, the first stop is the Shrine of the Holy Margaret that sits atop the hill of Cortona. From there you walk down the ancient road of Etruscan origin , and arrive in the city center. You can visit a museum of Cortona ( and the Museum of the Etruscan city of Cortona , Diocesan Museum), or go to the Cathedral and get to Belvedere, which offers a splendid view of Lake Trasimeno .

The cost of this guide is 115 Euro and will be divided among the participants for the excursion. The menu

' of the day:

:: Appetizers:

- Bruschetta;
- sliced;

:: FIRST::

- onion soup;
- The Tagliatelle al Ragu ';


- the mixed grill with potatoes;
- Salads;


- Tortino al Cioccolato;
- Acqua & Vino e Caffe';

Per il pranzo, i soci De Gustibus pagano 30 euro tutto compreso; i non associati
pagano 35 euro e riceveranno la tessera De Gustibus valida un anno.

Per partecipare, contattateci ai seguenti recapiti entro le ore 17 di venerdì 25 ottobre :

Tommaso - – 340 5796207

Come raggiungere l'Agriturismo La Pievuccia :

Percorrere l'Autostrada A1 Firenze-Roma, then exit at Monte San Savino. Proceed towards Castiglion Fiorentino. After about 12 Km you reach the village, and, without entering the center, turn right along the SS71 towards Perugia. After about 1.5 km, the third traffic light, turn left and then right after 400 meters, following the brown road sign Az.Agr wine. The Pievuccia. All right for 1.7 miles, you face a big curve to the left, then right. After a short straight, the other two curves and travel to get there: The Pievuccia is located on the right side of the road.

Otherwise, you can visit the Google Maps site ( and type education
Pievuccia, 52043 Castiglion Fiorentino Arezzo, Tuscany

For more information, call us! :-)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Mujeres Pobre En Panty

Belluno - Demonstration Water Common Good

Saturday, October 24, 2009 15:00

... during a walk, we were attracted by the sound of water. We went and Piave whispered:

"Freedom? How hard is it to explain their meaning, value. But sometimes, in a concept as universal as a whole, lies a meaning very simple, linked to the natural order of things, to life itself. It 's so for us ... for the thousands of drops every day give rise alle preziose acque del bacino idrico della Piave e che dovrebbero scorrere liberamente nei letti dei fiumi, a formare rivoli, cascate, cadini, in quel favoloso ambiente che è stato anche riconosciuto Patrimonio dell’Umanità.
E invece, il 90% di noi, viene intubata, incanalata, captata, privatizzata, sfruttata. Le altre nostre sorelle scendono faticosamente a valle, come in un lento trascinarsi, divincolandosi tra grate, turbine, pompe e lunghi tubi.
All’inizio ci sembrava un gioco, fatto di salti, capriole e scivoli.
Soon, however, everything was transformed. In every valley came the first geologists, then the first graders, and finally, shady characters, dark face and with strange accents citizens, accompanied by new visionaries local politicians. They were the first pirates of the water with bags of promise and pockets full of money, because the words "progress" and "work" is not enough to fool the suspicious character of the mountain.
were the last of 50 years. Boom years. Progress is known, has always been in need of energy. And one after another, Came on dams and stations. But soon, the budgets of private and public companies not longer sufficient to quantify the costs: salaries and invoices were added to the environmental devastation and tragedy. Rivers without water, water without fish and without fish life.
today, it did not seem to change.
A new class of robber came forward, more cynical, careless of the suffering endured by our valleys, ready to grab what little remained. Some come from far away and to them, the future of our mountain, it does not matter. But unfortunately, they are not alone. Here and there, many administrators sprout like mushrooms, ready to sell out the same territory, in a word, become defenders and advocates.
Today as before, new lies enrich their "reasons": minimum flow! Minimum subsistence guaranteed! Just calculate it! " cry. Squadrons of technical and brains to do arithmetic, but does not add up and never even worse, do not bother to check, especially ... the abundance of water. They do not say the same of their profits: too few. So why not privatize the water in the taps?
We are the new gold. The blue gold. A new frontier has opened a new Wild West to the doors! For this we turn to all those people, those associations, committees and those movements that they think that this area should and can have a different development and shared, where the water goes back to being a common good and not a product of a few. On October 24, down to the valley in the town of Belluno.
descend from Boite, by ARD, the Cordevole from small streams of the Dolomites and in the company of our sisters that flow to other territories, re-emerge on the surface. We will meet with you to create a joyful mobilization, which has the power to drag away the arrogance of these new raiders in order to confirm from below there is a local community that no longer want to be dictated to, aware, as recited a famous song, that freedom and participation. "

Station Square Saturday, October 24 FS - Belluno at 15.00

Stop the privatization of water
STOP exploitation of our rivers
Water is life! Not good!
At the end of the parade music, art and social

To join the event: @ acqua.belluno

See online: Water Common Good - Belluno

Jelly Globby Clear Cm After Ovulation

GMOs: a bad investment ... a battle won! Climate

final closure of the trial site on GMOs Cà Tron (Roncade TV).

Finally some good news every now come, and many of us were sure from the beginning that a testing laboratory Biogenetic in our territories made no sense and was closed.

to experiment with GM crops Cassamarca the Foundation has created and funded a research lab without squandering the future of € 8 million: President De Poli has thrown away so many resources for not understanding that GMOs we have no future, that There is widespread resistance to food and multitudinous "Frankenstein" by consumers, farmers and producers. The same powerful multinational GM unable to pass their interests and that is why no one puts more money now for this workshop has been confirmed as a choice that is unjust and wrong from the point of view. In 2003
Foundation Cassamarca boasted of wanting to live genetically modified organisms with the casatella, well might have been more profitable devote himself to this delicious local cheese and local levels.
witnessing with joy the obvious defeat of this project we have strongly contested with initiatives and mobilizations. We are convinced that in our territories, devastated by years of sviluppo incontrollato, la ricetta migliore nasca dal recupero delle radici migliori e più profonde di quello che siamo stati e siamo: “contadini” con l’idea di un rapporto diverso con ambiente e natura, rapporto possibile solo con lo sviluppo di un’agricoltura di qualita e biologica.
Inoltre ci sentiamo oggi ancora più vicini ai fratelli ed alle sorelle provenienti dal sud del mondo che abbiamo incontrato lo scorso aprile durante le giornate del Festival “Questa terra è la nostra terra”. I contadini, i cittadini, gli indigeni del Sud del mondo ci hanno raccontato con forza quanta morte, povertà e devastazione provocano le multinazionali degli OGM nei loro paesi.

La battaglia contro il Laboratory Experiments in Ca 'Tron shows that you can win, that the idea to get involved directly is the way that you can take to open the possibility that demagoguery and dangerous as the GMOs are unable to reach space. We live in a time when the issues of climate insecurity, environmental crisis appear every day in their width, welded with the impoverishment of the population of the planet.
Grow alternative choices, rooted in the land, for a different development and environmentally friendly addressing these global issues also on the ability to liberate our territories. Now that
in Ca 'Tron GMO trials there will be along with many more want to raise a great initiative because the whole area is destined to become a great laboratory and a driving structure of activities aimed at developing alternative energy, environmental and agricultural.
and ask firmly that all complaints and processes triggered against those who challenged the GMOs are stored and recognizing the strength of a battle that has been a struggle for freedom.
Free from GMOs might walk along with many to continue to assert that "this land is our land." We invite everyone to build with us "GMO-Free" as a way to celebrate the closure of Ca 'Tron and I request the use to rafforzare tutte le pratiche legate allo sviluppo del nostro ambiente.

Associazione Ya Basta Nord EsT
Per info

Good Short Signature For My

Swoop vs. Coal Power in Nottinghamshire

More than 50 people have been arrested as security fences were breached by 1,000 climate activists who had converged on the coal power station in Ratcliffe-on-Soar. The action is just over and so this is just a preliminary news report. You can also follow @climatecamp and @actforclimate (also here on twitfeed on right) for news, images, videos.

Many activists were bitten by police dogs, in another show of heavy-handed repression of climate protest that is becoming recurrent. But the tide of the times is with climate justice activists. All to Copenhagen!

Freeones De Lorena Herrera

** CLIMATE JUSTICE ACTION: fragile unity in action at Copenhagen climate

Lotta per la giustizia sociale e climatica. Perché il cambiamento climatico rende tutti precari.

La crisi economica ha pesantemente colpito il precariato, cioè l’insieme di quei contratti atipici, interinali, part-time nei servizi e nell’industrai, più di qualsiasi altra classe sociale. Milioni di giovani, donne e immigrati precari perdono il lavoro a causa della Grande Recessione. Dagli Stati Uniti all’Europa, dall’Islanda al Giappone la disoccupazione è skyrocketed.

Those responsible for the crisis - the big banks, investment funds, the neo-liberal economists and politicians - whitewash scandals and flourish without shame hoping to go on as if nothing had happened. Governments are trillions to bankers and nuts to secure jobs. Demonstrations and protests are spreading in response to this, even against a new wave of racism and xenophobia, but the pressure against the political and economic power is still not enough, although we have a Serb in the autumn of fire that could undermine this balance.

However, the horizon of this historic capitalist crisis looms if they have another even greater global warming and climate change caused accumulation of capital drawn from fossil fuels. The human race is in danger, and by mid-century, millions of people could disappear from the face of the earth if not overdeveloped economies cut emissions. We must bring under control the major causes of greenhouse gas (petroleum companies, coal, energy conglomerates, companies their manufacturing and logistics, the aviation industry, fast food el'agrindustria, luxury tourism, etc...)

December in Copenhagen is an excellent opportunity to do so. From December 7 to 18, the UN Climate Summit - COP15 - will take place in the Danish capital, a city with strong traditions and a radical history of this movement of rebellion. All state and economic elites of every country in the world will gather at the Bella Center in Copenhagen in search of a successor protocol Kyoto, including powers such as the United States, China and India who had not signed.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Employment Contract Confidentiality

Pizza and Chianti

Association De Gustibus Presents:


: Pizza and Chianti :

Saturday, October 3 2009, from 17:30 onwards at
Podere Paglieri
Polvereto Via, 83 - Loc Polvereto-50025 Montespertoli (FI)
Tel / Fax: 0571 669 727 - Cell: 333 7127734
www.poderepaglieri . it

Sites Wines takes appointments back to the autumn Podere Paglieri , producer organic wine and olive farm and and a Polvereto, village of Tavarnelle Val di Pesa on the road to Montespertoli. The company is run by two young brothers Pellizzari, and Silvia Andrea.

This year the dinner at this beautiful farm in the middle of the Chianti Fiorentino will be based primarily on pizza, prepared by our loyal member Lorenzo Carbonai .
Then there will be abundant antipasto salad and a bio. The pizzas are then accompanied by the music of our Cyrus human jukebox.

Finally, you can already get to the farm during the afternoon, per visitare sia gli appartamenti dell’agriturismo che la nuova cantina .

Per sfruttare la luce del giorno e, il tempo permettendo, uno dei bellissimi tramonti rossi che si vedono da quelle colline, l’aperitivo avrà inizio dalle 18:00 , con vino bianco , focaccine cotte “just in time” nel forno a legna del podere, bruschette, formaggi e salumi, salsicce e bocconcini della macelleria artigianale gestita da Andrea a San Casciano in Val di Pesa.

Dalle 19:30 circa in poi Lorenzo vi preparerà una grande varietà di pizze, realizzate e cotte con vari ingredienti:

:: Appetizers:

- muffins and toasted bread;
- Pecorino of John Niedermeyer,
- The Salami De Gustibus;
- sausage and bites of meat Butcher Andrea Pellizzari;
- Salads Bio;



- Fruit;
- Water & Wine: Chianti DOCG 2008 Podere Paglieri - Tasting last Bianco IGT 2008

For dinner, the members De Gustibus pay 25 € package; the not associated pay 30 € De Gustibus and receive a card valid for 2009.

Availability is limited to a maximum of 30 seats .

To participate, contact us at within 16 hours of Friday, October 2 :

Stefan - - \u200b\u200b349 2895233
Donato - - \u200b\u200b335 1535965

Available accommodation at Podere Paglieri:

For those wishing to take advantage of all the weekend there is the possibility of staying at one of the apartments of Podere Paglieri and spend the next day to visit the area (the company located on the roads for Siena, Montespertoli, San Gimignano , Volterra, Certaldo , Badia a Passignano , Colle Val d'Elsa and many other medieval towns of central Chianti). The apartments of this occasion are available at 30 Euro per person per night (there are only beds and sofa beds for 2 persons).

At the event the manufacturer provides its own ground (a hill called "The Round", with views over the surrounding hills) to pitch a tent and spend the night enjoying a beautiful starry night.

Come raggiungere Il Podere Paglieri :

Dalla superstrada Firenze-Siena, prendere l'uscita Tavarnelle Val di Pesa. Procedere in direzione Tavarnelle Val di Pesa (Via Cassia), ed alla prima rotonda in direzione Montespertoli. Alla seconda rotonda, procedere in direzione Noce, e continuare in quella direzione; dopo circa 4,5 km si arriva alla frazione Polvereto. Il Podere Paglieri si trova sulla destra alla fine di un piccolo vialetto sterrato, all'inizio del quale noterete due grandi sassi bianchi!

Per altre informazioni, chiamateci! :-)

Monday, June 29, 2009

How To Remove Testicle Wart

Salve DeGustanti,

vi riproponiamo un appuntamento consueto che ormai non ha hardly need an introduction: the weekend of July at the Farm Paugnano John Porcu, Radicondoli.
And this year, including a swim and dinner, you can try to create your own cheese . Book and stay
, degustanti ... the night 'long ... and then, even the morning after breakfast really deserves your presence!

We wait.


at the Azienda Agricola Podere Paugnano
Radicondoli (SI)
Saturday, July 4, 2009, FROM AFTER LUNCH ONWARDS

special surprise: at around 17:30, the first appetizer, John will introduce you to the secrets of cheese with a short but interesting bio tour ... and those interested can also participate in a real laboratory and learn to make their own cheese.
From about 19:30 onwards will be served an aperitif with cheese in farm products and wine glass. An hour later followed by the dinner itself, with products exclusively made in house.
Here is the menu 'of the evening:

:: BY FOOD::

- The Taste of cheese mixed farm;
- homemade ravioli with ricotta, tomato and basil;
- the mixed grill of sheep and pigs;
- Side salad and grilled vegetables;
- Seadas homemade desserts;
- Caffe '


- local red wine, water, myrtle

Sardinia Price: €

28 for members, € 33.00 for non-members to be associated therefore, receiving the card De Gustibus valid for 2009.

The laboratory cheese has a surcharge of 5.00 € per person .


places for dinner are closely limited to 30 (hurry, they are almost sold out !!!), while the laboratory of cheese is available for up to 15 places ... We ask you to book in plenty of time!
For reservations, contact us at within 19 Thursday, July 2 :

Donato Iozzelli - 335 1535965 -


For those wishing to take advantage of the weekend, there is the possibility of staying on a farm and spend the next day at sea (Paugnano is across the street from where you reach Follonica, Castiglione della Pescaia, Venturina, Torre Mozza ...) or a visit to the fascinating natural and cultural landscape surrounding (Volterra, the Abbey of San Galgano and the Hermitage of Montesiepi, the sword in the stone). Given the proximity, we suggest a shift in Colle Val d'Elsa, Monteriggioni and San Gimignano.
At the event, and in case the indoor seats were sold out, John also offers its ground for a tent and enjoy a summer night in July under the stars ...
The breakfast is available at 5.00 Euro with sweet fresh ricotta made the same morning.

TEL. 0577 793027 - INTERNET:
Come raggiungere il Podere Paugnano:
Dalla Superstrada Firenze-Siena, uscire per Colle Val d'Elsa e imboccare la strada statale n. 541 (SS 541). Percorrerla fino al bivio per Radicondoli, senza entrare in paese, e proseguire in direzione Belforte (senza raggiungerlo!); troverete il cartello dell'Azienda Paugnano lungo la strada, sul lato destro. Una discesa alberata, costeggiata da filari di giovani cipressi vi condurrà all'agriturismo di Giovanni Porcu. Potete anche provare ad inserire la dicitura podere paugnano su Google Maps ( ).

Vi aspettiamo, Degustanti!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hamilton Beach Mix Master Modelk

With the boys of The Source of kites and seals!

Cari DeGustanti,

quest’anno il nostro appuntamento presso la Cooperativa Agricola La Fonte di Cercina, che ormai da due anni fa parte della nostra rassegna Luoghi DiVini , si terrà il 24 Giugno , per la festa di San Giovanni. Dalla fattoria si potranno anche ammirare i tradizionali fòchi , al riparo da code e folla, macchine e motorini che ogni anno invadono i lungarni Florence.

The cooperative is located just above Careggi, on the hills between Florence and Sesto Fiorentino, 1982 and is managed by the family Zorn . As a team, a group of disabled children, through work in the country, participating in all effects on the actual production of the farm and are fully integrated into the social life of the place. The farm is surrounded by olive groves and offers a very attractive view over Florence. The production is focused primarily on oil virgin, even though most of the work is absorbed by the small - but many - herds of animals: cows, horses, donkeys, goats and sheep, chickens ducks and geese, bees, pigeons, rabbits and pigs. Those who have already participated in previous years the dinners of the boys of the cooperative farm, knows that the experience and place transmit a unique energy, making the event exciting and memorable.

year, before dinner, you will have the opportunity to participate in a workshop to build kites . The workshop starts at 17:00, and you need not bring any equipment, just you leave a cost contribution to Maximilian, who will guide and help during construction, with all the necessary materials. And finally, wind permitting, the kites will take il volo!

Successivamente, serviremo l’aperitivo e la grigliata, per farvi assaggiare i prodotti della fattoria insieme ad altre specialità tipiche della zona... tutto innaffiato da vino e acqua in abbondanza. Il menu' della serata:

I Crostini Toscani alla 'cercinese';

La Fettunta con l’olio extravergine di produzione propria;

Gli Assaggi di Affettati (tra cui la finocchiona “sbriciolona” dei fratelli Messeri di Pratolino) e di pecorini dei produttori De Gustibus;

La Panzanella;

Le Grigliate: maialino, polli e conigli allevati in fattoria;

The mixed salad;

the crust and the Vin Santo.

:: DRINK::

From Chianti, the red and white wine producers of De Gustibus;

Price: 30 € for members, € 35.00 for non-members to be associated therefore, De Gustibus getting the card valid for 2009.


The children of the agricultural cooperative need time to get organized ... We ask you to book as soon as possible if you decide to come ;-) For reservations, contact us at within 18 Sunday June 21 :

Donato Iozzelli - 335 1535965 - ;

Stefan Jocher - 349 2895233 - .


the Casino, 2 - 50019, CERCINA, Sesto Fiorentino (Florence) TEL. 055 402334 - INTERNET:

How to reach The Source: From
Careggi Viale Gaetano Pieraccini take and follow the signs to the Chapel to say farewell. Overcome them and stay on Via delle Masse and then up Via Dante da Castiglione for about 7 km to the square of the Parish S. Andrea in Cercina.
Dalla Via Bolognese, arrived at Pian di S. Bartolo, turn towards Cercina (left if coming from Florence) Via della Docciola. Continue for about 5 km to the square of the Parish of St. Andrea in Cercina. Parking in the square and walk up the path of Casina. The event takes place in the yellow farmhouse at No. 2 (100 meters).
You can also enter the address (Via della Casina, 2-50019 Cercina, Sesto Fiorentino) Google Maps ( ).

We look Degustanti!

Friday, June 12, 2009

What's Inside Lip Gloss ?.

.** This land is our land - An evening dedicated to the natives of America Latin

Sunday, June 21 at 21:30
Sherwood Festival 2009
Stadium North Parking Euganeo
Padova V.le Nereo Rocco

c / o Cinestreet
"This land is our terra"
Serata dedicata agli indigeni dell’America Latina a cura dell’Associazione Ya Basta.

Le lotte comunitari in difesa dei beni comuni e della terra dal Messico al Perù, affermano nella modernità del tempo della crisi, la possibilità di costruire un mondo diverso.

“Con tutti i colori, il fiore che siamo del colore della terra, avrà un domani … “ Subcomandante Marcos

Ore 18.00 Incontro sulle Carovane Presenz/attiva Estate 2009: Compartir autonomia, Chiapas Messico, Otra Midad del mundo, Ecuador Zona Amazzonia, Ande e Costa.

Dalle 20.00 Cena-Buffet argentina a sostegno di Radio Mapuche. La voce libera contro la nuova invasione di Benetton and multinationals. The recovery of the land of Santa Rosa against Benetton. The Benetton empire. Still arrogance of Benetton.

Pueblos 21:00 From: Meeting, in collaboration with the Association Yaku, the indigenous people of Morelos Nahuatl Mexican protection of air, water and earth. The social and political situation in Mexico.
Starring: Saul Roque;
Taita, the spiritual leader of Nahua Xoxocotla, the birthplace of Zapata;
Fernanda Robinson, Brazilian photographer, a scholar of Mesoamerican indigenous cultures, executive producer of the film "13 Pueblos en defenza del agua, el aire y la tierra "Francesco Taboada Tabone, Mexican director of the documentary film "13 Pueblos en defenza del agua, el aire y la tierra."

to 23.00 Screening of the award-winning documentary film "13 Pueblos en defenza del agua, el aire y la tierra", evidence of the struggle of the indigenous communities of Morelos in defense of the management of their ancestral territories.

the evening will be presented the book: "So tell our elders. Narratives of indigenous peoples," Subcomandante Marcos.
Edition Edited by 'Association Ya Basta
Translated by Claudio Dionesalvi
Photography Simon Granat

When a school is studying the history of the indigenous peoples of America, boys and girls find it hard to believe that there remains the Maya. In fact, school books teach that were exterminated by the conquistadors five centuries ago in Europe and a similar fate has befallen the Red Indians, the Aztecs and the Incas.
Yet the Maya are still there, in southeastern Mexico, in Chiapas. Cultivate the land they have occupied during the uprising in January 1994. Administer the liberated territories. They resist the continuous attacks of the Mexican government that canceled their rights and would like to annihilate the identity and historical memory. They designed
un proprio sistema amministrativo che funziona fuori dalle istituzioni del malgoverno. Indossano il passamontagna dell’EZLN, affinché il mondo sappia che esistono. Come altre popolazioni indigene del continente americano, i Maya non si rassegnano. Per milioni di uomini e donne di tutto il mondo la loro ribellione è uno spiraglio di luce e speranza. Perché non essendo una rivolta desiderosa di conquistare il potere, riesce a realizzare un modo diverso di creare relazioni umane, abitare i luoghi e costruire democrazia Gli zapatisti parlano con gli occhi e vedono con le parole. Le loro forme di comunicazione e di lotta ci insegnano a pensare ed agire al plurale. A migliaia di chilometri di distanza il loro cammino di autonomia contribuisce a dare un senso ad innumerevoli esperienze di ribellione che fioriscono in diverse zone del pianeta.
L’Esercito Zapatista di Liberazione Nazionale ci insegna che la qualità del cammino è più importante della meta da raggiungere. Non esiste una strada già tracciata. Bisogna realizzarla insieme.
In carovana con l’Associazione Ya Basta abbiamo incontrato l’autonomia zapatista e l’Altra Campagna: un’esperienza di democrazia dal basso che si compie mediante un percorso di incontri con le comunità ed i movimenti che in quella zona della Terra resistono al neoliberismo. Attraverso i linguaggi della poesia, rievocando l’epica indigena, in questo cammino collettivo chiamato Altra Campagna che si compie grazie alla capacità di ascoltare peoples, Subcomandante Marcos said the rebels dream of a present and a future to be built. Fighting for human dignity. The stories that we publish
bring a date. Were written and read during the meetings that Subcomandante Marcos, Delegate Zero, played in Mexico during the first months of 2006 and began to take shape, the Other Campaign.
In many cases, the Zapatistas, the dates do not matter, read back through the eyes of today we need to reflect on this fact in Mexico and our house.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Nick And Nora Sheets Full


Dear DeGustanti,

like every summer, our review Sites Wines pays tribute to a match winning run-in now: the 'flesh' and the wine, ie the Chianina steak and his supporting actor - the wine - made from Sangiovese, a pairs of Tuscan par excellence.

This time we will be guests of the farm Vigliano Brothers and Paul Lawrence (pictured) Marchionni , young and enterprising tenants who, with passion and total dedication, have given life to one of the most excellent wineries on the Tuscany.
Located in the village of Vigliano , beautiful hills of San Martino alla Palma and a few km from Scandicci, Marchionni brothers of the company focuses its production on a few great wines: RossoVigliano , combined infinite capacity; the steep, big red, austere and powerful, ready for more challenging matches and unforgettable tasting; The Erta Chardonnay, a great white, came from a few years to be part of the good things, good and hard. A Vigliano also produces extra virgin olive oil DOP Colline di Firenze , confirming as Tuscany is all beautifully suited to the olive.

special guest of the evening, Alessio Becacci : Florentine doc 40 years, proudly carries on the business and culture handed down from father (still working every day), shepherd in the hills around Vigliano. Since its production, taste and an extraordinary wonderful pecorino cheese ; by his voice, hear the passion for grazing through anecdotes and little curiosity.

And if the day proves to be particularly hot, a quick bath in the late afternoon pool, first became interested in food and wine, will be the best way to start the evening. Do not forget to bring your costume ...

FRIDAY 'June 12, 2009, FROM 18:30 PM

menu 'of the evening :


- affects in taste
- The Cheese and Alessio Becacci De Gustibus of taste in

-:: The steak on the fire Mirco :

- the mixed grill
- baked potatoes and salads Beatrice and Simone
- seasonal fruit


- RossoVigliano
the slope - the slope Chardonnay

Price: 33 € for members, € 38.00 for non-members to be associated therefore, receiving the card
De Gustibus valid for 2009.

For reservations, please contact us at the following address within 18 Thursday, June 11:

Ciabini Thomas - 340 5796207 -


ROUTE OF Carcheri, 309 to 50,010, LOC. Vigla - San Martino alla Palma (FLORENCE)
TEL. 055 8727040 - Internet:

Vigliano How to reach:

Coming from the direction MILAN / ROME: Take the Scandicci exit
del Sole - A1

For those arriving from Florence City or from the Tuscan coast:
Scandicci exit the SGC Florence-Pisa-Livorno (FI - PI - LI)
At the first roundabout bear right towards Scandicci; second roundabout, take the second right towards Scandicci, third roundabout take the first right (Via Pisana) towards Lastra a Signa, turn left towards Vigliano (Via delle Fonti) and proceed approximately 3 km to the gate falling gray on the right.

You can also enter the address (Carcheri Way, 309-50010 San Martino alla Palma)
on Google Maps ( ).


to park, but unfortunately are only available within the few parking spaces, we recommend that you park along the roadside, or to organize any car leaving the road at the beginning of sources (the intersection with Via Pisana).

Friday, May 15, 2009

Should I Wax First On Go Tanning First

Nuclear - Here comes the yes of the Senate. No freedom of choice in local and regional agriculture without farmers

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sites top secret and protected by the

Yesterday was approved the 1195 draft bill that gives the government six months to define the criteria for the location of nuclear sites.
Articles 14 and 15 of the draft bill also specifies that the land for the construction of power plants and waste storage sites will be areas of national strategic interest, so secret and protected by the army, as the landfill in Naples.
Il tuffo al passato che il governo si appresta a fare nei prossimi mesi, ignorando il referendum abrogativo del 1987 che "di fatto" ha sancito l’abbandono da parte dell’Italia del ricorso al nucleare come forma di approvvigionamento energetico, riapre anche la questione sull’autonomia che comuni e regioni dovrebbero avere. In barba al tanto sbandierato federalismo, le centrali potranno essere costruite tramite un’ unica autorizzazione che varrà come nulla osta, atto di assenso amministrativo, concessione ed esproprio. Dal punto di vista burocratico, quindi, l’iter potrà essere fermato unicamente attraverso la valutazione di impatto ambientale. Per mettersi al riparo dai ricorsi il governo ha già stabilito che solamente il tribunale del Tar del Lazio, legittimato a corte suprema per tutto quello che riguarda l’energia.
Il ddl appare quindi come un lascia passare per i vicini di oltre alpe, con i quali Berlusconi ha già firmato febbraio gli accordi per la costruzione di centrali italiane classe Erp. L’edf, l’ente pubblico francese partner di Enel, ha quindi carta bianca.

Monday, May 4, 2009

How Much A 12*12 Deck

Spring Dinner at the Farm Hill

Dear DeGustanti,

like last year, De Gustibus opens the spring (which is slow to take off) from the Agriturismo La Collina , which is located in the heart of Chianti Montefiridolfi fiorentino.La evening will be divided between aperitifs and dinner, which will take place on the estate of Professor Richard Camiciottoli , enthusiastic owner of the farm, and passionate farmer and chef.

special guest of the evening, Leonardo Parisi, owner of the workshop of pottery and ceramics Artenova , who will present their business by exposing some of the items produced in their own laboratorio.L 'aperitif will begin at 19: 00 and opens on the terrace of the farmhouse, giving you the chance to enjoy the beautiful sunset over the Chianti. There will be cuts, mixed cheese and croutons (croutons, with mushrooms and cheese and sausage), beans with onion. In combination, white and red table in farm products. Afterwards, at about 20:30 , the dinner itself, which will continue in the vaulted hall inside the farm.

menu 'includes:

- Penne with deer;

- risotto with asparagus;

- Roast pig

: In combination, the Chianti Classico DOCG Hill ;

- Roast potatoes and salad;

- homemade fruit pies;

- Strawberries and cream;

- Coffee;

- Grappa.

The fee for the evening is Euro 30.00 for members De Gustibus and Euro 35.00 for non-members , who will receive the card De Gustibus valid for 2009 . To participate, contact us at within 18 hours of Thursday, May 7 :

Thomas Ciabini - - 340 5796207

Please note that we are also on Facebook where please join our group for regular updates on initiatives De Gustibus # / Group.php? Gid = 75224831388 & ref = ts

How to reach the Agriturismo La Collina :

take the Firenze-Siena then exit Bargino . Turn right onto Cassia (direction Bargino), and after 300 meters turn left Montefiridolfi (Hill Street). The farm is located after 2.5 mile on the right side of the road (Via Collina 31/ae 31 / b).

We look forward as always, Degustanti!

: De Gustibus Association, Florence - Sightseeing and food events, support agricultural traditions:

Monday, April 27, 2009

Before And After Bunionette


Comunicato stampa- La Vía Campesina

(Treviso, 21 aprile 2009)
La prima riunione del G8 agricolo che terminata ieri a Cison di Valmarino ha prodotto una dichiarazione che non solo ammette i propri fallimenti del passato ma che prevede anche un futuro pieno di contaddizioni. Il G8 non potrà mai eliminare la fame nel mondo prendendo decisioni a porte chiuse, in assenza degli attori principali del dibattito mondiale sull’agricoltura, i milioni di contadini e famiglie di agricoltori, uomini e donne, che alimentano il mondo.

L’affermazione del G8 che "i contadini devono essere i principali protagonisti" suona particolarmente vuota quando la meeting this weekend was explicitly planned to restrict access to farmers' organizations and reduce their visibility. The G8 has made the meeting in a secluded castle in the mountains and the Italian Minister of Agriculture has refused to meet representatives of civil society organizations, Italian and international calling to express their opinions.

The final text produced by the G8 is extremely contradictory. It recognizes the role of producers of food and the crisis in rural areas but does not propose a real strategy that could overcome the crisis. The statement, on the one hand says to put "Agriculture and Rural Development. At the center of crescita economica rinforzando il ruolo dell’agricoltura familiare e dei piccoli agricoltori ed il loro accesso alla terra" e, dall’altra parte parla di "raggiungere una conclusione equilibrata, globale e ambiziosa del Ciclo di Doha", due politiche che sono fra loro incompatibili: l’OMC ha mostrato ripetutamente che produce effetti catastrofici sull’agricoltura contadina perché liberalizza i mercati agricoli e privatizza le risorse naturali.

La dichiarazione, inoltre, appoggia la creazione dell’Alleanza Mondiale per l’Agricoltura e l’Alimentazione, riconoscendo, allo stesso tempo, il ruolo centrale della FAO, due posizioni che non possono stare assieme.
Le istituzioni esistenti dell’ONU will remain at the core of the solution to the current crisis, not the World Bank and the IMF World represented by the Alliance.

Despite contradictory nature of the declaration, the G8 has admitted at least something that was absolutely obvious to the rest of the world for many years, the world has totally failed in its attempts to reduce by half the number of hungry people on earth by 2015, in correspondence with the goals of the millennium. It is precisely the policies of the G8, imposed on Southern countries to bear responsibility.

Any real policy to focus on farmers and farming and sustainable agriculture would reject the agenda of free trade and the Global Alliance and would allow states to protect the rights of their people working and eating. The peasants and farmers, who represent about half the population of the world, are the first to be affected by hunger and malnutrition.

Representatives of the international movement of farmers of Via Campesina gathered in Treviso this weekend to raise awareness of their alternatives. Their demands are simple: to enable people and countries to define and protect their agricultural systems, without causing harm to others. Transform the agro-exporting model of the north and south in a more sustainable local production-based, family-based agriculture. Speaking at the seminar organized Italian Platform for Food Sovereignty, Ibrahim Coulibaly, president of CNOP (Comité Nacional de Organizaciones Campesinas) in Mali said very clearly: "Africa can feed itself, are not necessary agricultural policies imposed by an illegitimate group of rich countries. ! the role of the G8 is not to decide on International Agricultural Policy "