Interviste in vista dell’incontro pubblico di
Venerdì 4 dicembre
presso l’Auditorium della Scuola media Stefanini, viale Terza Armata, 35, Treviso
alle ore 21.00
per info sull'incontro dibattito:
Interviste in vista dell’incontro pubblico di
Venerdì 4 dicembre
presso l’Auditorium della Scuola media Stefanini, viale Terza Armata, 35, Treviso
alle ore 21.00
per info sull'incontro dibattito:
Treviso, Piazzetta Independence, November 28, 2009
This morning in Treviso was held the press conference to present the evening of Dec. 4:
There See you in Copenhagen climate insecurity and ecological commons
Organizers of the event (Ya Basta, UbikLab and This Land is Our Land) have implemented a blitz of communication to emphasize the importance of Climate Conference to be held in Copenhagen in December.
presso Venice International University – Isola di San Servolo
due giornate seminariali dedicated to the economic crisis and ecological
First day
Saturday, November 14, 2009
FINANCIAL CRISIS and "Economic Community"
The process of accumulation and exploitation contemporary, cognitive-relational, relies increasingly on the use of cognitive and spatial commons. The same dynamic productivity tends to depend on the evolution of new types of economies of scale, marked from "economies of scale and social dynamics: learning and networking.
These are two processes that have to do with cognitive elements and spatial (virtual or not), who question not only the traditional ownership structure of Fordist-based public-private dichotomy, but also the very foundations of economic theory, whether liberal or not.
At the same time, the process of financial activities has made the central role of financial markets as a new generation of development and production of linguistic conventions "that make the money a" common good endogenous, "that increasingly escapes the control imposed by the rights of state seigniorage . It therefore becomes increasingly necessary to investigate more rigorously, the concept of common good, identify the boundaries and features and, above all, to analyze how the human work that generates the "common" is increasingly subject to a process of "abstraction "by capital.
First session (morning): knowledge and social-spatial relations as community property.
Introduction and coordination: Sandro Mezzadra
Report Andrea Fumagalli
Report Stefano Micelli
Discussant: Federico Chicchi e Devi Sacchetto
Seconda sessione (pomeriggio): linguaggio e moneta come “beni comuni”?
ore 15.00
Introduce e coordina: Andrea Fumagalli
Report Christian Marazzi
Discussant: Stefano Lucarelli and Toni Negri
----------------------------------- ----------------
Second day
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Starting from the assumption are far from obvious and, therefore the global ecological crisis or the crisis of the very conditions that have so far allowed the reproduction of life within the biosphere, can no longer be considered a "second contradiction" with respect to capital conflict / work but requires conceptual tools e analitici che permettano di coglierne appieno portata ed effetti, si propone di articolare questo iniziale momento di lavoro in due parti.
In mattinata si tratterà di puntualizzare la lettura della crisi come “concatenamento sistemico”. Nell’approssimare una definizione di “comune ecologico” si cercherà di verificare se e in quale misura possa essere considerata superata una lettura del ciclo capitalistico, e degli antagonismi che lo mettevano in modo, attraverso lo schema di successione lineare tra lotte-crisi-ristrutturazione-sviluppo. Dal punto di vista concettuale si proporrà di superare la rigida distinzione tra un “comune naturale” e un “comune artificiale”. A partire dal superamento delle contrapposizione tra paradigmi della scarsità e della ricchezza, saranno ripercorse criticamente le diverse culture politiche che su questi temi si sono confrontate (sostenibilità, decrescita, ecologia politica).
Nel pomeriggio si propone che questo piano di discussione concettuale sia verificato sul terreno dell’analisi della crisi energetica nella crisi globale. Sarà affrontato il rapporto tra fonti energetiche e modello di accumulazione capitalistica e tra produzione energetica e forma politica command. In particular, since the prevailing crisis caused by the use of fossil fuels, we will discuss the geopolitical implications and prospects for long-term nature of real or an illusion of a "green economy", based on the wide use of renewable sources, as the flywheel of a new phase of expansion, the effective area of \u200b\u200bpractice of 'energy independence. "
First session (morning): fundamental concepts and critical political cultures.
10.00 am
Introduction and coordination: Beppe Caccia
Report Gianfranco Bettin
Report Guido Viale
Second session (afternoon): precarious climate and energy issues, "Green economy".
Introduction and coordination: Adelino Zanini
Report Ivo Gallimberti
Discussant: Luca Tornatore, Alberto Mazzoni and
Gianmarco De Pieri
verticevertice is coming to Copenhagen (COP 15 in December) in which decide if you do something concrete to reduce emissions or delude ourselves if a little 'that is enough talking about it and procrastinate to solve a global problem.
Many of us are organizing to physically go to all the initiatives taking place in those days in the Danish capital. There just seemed to take a local path and organize initiatives here (public meetings, debates, joint actions) to ensure that even in our territories to come on the debate than what we consider one of the most important issues.
Proponiamo un incontro/riunione aperto a tutti coloro che hanno voglia di organizzare insieme a noi degli eventi che ci portino alle giornate di Copenhagen.
Giovedì 5 novembre ore 21.00 presso la sede dell'ADL in vicolo marco polo 6 a Treviso.
A presto
Associazione Ya Basta
Saturday, October 24, 2009 15:00
... during a walk, we were attracted by the sound of water. We went and Piave whispered:
"Freedom? How hard is it to explain their meaning, value. But sometimes, in a concept as universal as a whole, lies a meaning very simple, linked to the natural order of things, to life itself. It 's so for us ... for the thousands of drops every day give rise alle preziose acque del bacino idrico della Piave e che dovrebbero scorrere liberamente nei letti dei fiumi, a formare rivoli, cascate, cadini, in quel favoloso ambiente che è stato anche riconosciuto Patrimonio dell’Umanità.
E invece, il 90% di noi, viene intubata, incanalata, captata, privatizzata, sfruttata. Le altre nostre sorelle scendono faticosamente a valle, come in un lento trascinarsi, divincolandosi tra grate, turbine, pompe e lunghi tubi.
All’inizio ci sembrava un gioco, fatto di salti, capriole e scivoli.
Soon, however, everything was transformed. In every valley came the first geologists, then the first graders, and finally, shady characters, dark face and with strange accents citizens, accompanied by new visionaries local politicians. They were the first pirates of the water with bags of promise and pockets full of money, because the words "progress" and "work" is not enough to fool the suspicious character of the mountain.
were the last of 50 years. Boom years. Progress is known, has always been in need of energy. And one after another, Came on dams and stations. But soon, the budgets of private and public companies not longer sufficient to quantify the costs: salaries and invoices were added to the environmental devastation and tragedy. Rivers without water, water without fish and without fish life.
today, it did not seem to change.
A new class of robber came forward, more cynical, careless of the suffering endured by our valleys, ready to grab what little remained. Some come from far away and to them, the future of our mountain, it does not matter. But unfortunately, they are not alone. Here and there, many administrators sprout like mushrooms, ready to sell out the same territory, in a word, become defenders and advocates.
Today as before, new lies enrich their "reasons": minimum flow! Minimum subsistence guaranteed! Just calculate it! " cry. Squadrons of technical and brains to do arithmetic, but does not add up and never even worse, do not bother to check, especially ... the abundance of water. They do not say the same of their profits: too few. So why not privatize the water in the taps?
We are the new gold. The blue gold. A new frontier has opened a new Wild West to the doors! For this we turn to all those people, those associations, committees and those movements that they think that this area should and can have a different development and shared, where the water goes back to being a common good and not a product of a few. On October 24, down to the valley in the town of Belluno.
descend from Boite, by ARD, the Cordevole from small streams of the Dolomites and in the company of our sisters that flow to other territories, re-emerge on the surface. We will meet with you to create a joyful mobilization, which has the power to drag away the arrogance of these new raiders in order to confirm from below there is a local community that no longer want to be dictated to, aware, as recited a famous song, that freedom and participation. "
Station Square Saturday, October 24 FS - Belluno at 15.00
Stop the privatization of water
STOP exploitation of our rivers
Water is life! Not good!
At the end of the parade music, art and social
To join the event: @ acqua.belluno
See online: Water Common Good - Belluno
More than 50 people have been arrested as security fences were breached by 1,000 climate activists who had converged on the coal power station in Ratcliffe-on-Soar. The action is just over and so this is just a preliminary news report. You can also follow @climatecamp and @actforclimate (also here on twitfeed on right) for news, images, videos.
Many activists were bitten by police dogs, in another show of heavy-handed repression of climate protest that is becoming recurrent. But the tide of the times is with climate justice activists. All to Copenhagen!
Lotta per la giustizia sociale e climatica. Perché il cambiamento climatico rende tutti precari.
La crisi economica ha pesantemente colpito il precariato, cioè l’insieme di quei contratti atipici, interinali, part-time nei servizi e nell’industrai, più di qualsiasi altra classe sociale. Milioni di giovani, donne e immigrati precari perdono il lavoro a causa della Grande Recessione. Dagli Stati Uniti all’Europa, dall’Islanda al Giappone la disoccupazione è skyrocketed.
Those responsible for the crisis - the big banks, investment funds, the neo-liberal economists and politicians - whitewash scandals and flourish without shame hoping to go on as if nothing had happened. Governments are trillions to bankers and nuts to secure jobs. Demonstrations and protests are spreading in response to this, even against a new wave of racism and xenophobia, but the pressure against the political and economic power is still not enough, although we have a Serb in the autumn of fire that could undermine this balance.
However, the horizon of this historic capitalist crisis looms if they have another even greater global warming and climate change caused accumulation of capital drawn from fossil fuels. The human race is in danger, and by mid-century, millions of people could disappear from the face of the earth if not overdeveloped economies cut emissions. We must bring under control the major causes of greenhouse gas (petroleum companies, coal, energy conglomerates, companies their manufacturing and logistics, the aviation industry, fast food el'agrindustria, luxury tourism, etc...)
December in Copenhagen is an excellent opportunity to do so. From December 7 to 18, the UN Climate Summit - COP15 - will take place in the Danish capital, a city with strong traditions and a radical history of this movement of rebellion. All state and economic elites of every country in the world will gather at the Bella Center in Copenhagen in search of a successor protocol Kyoto, including powers such as the United States, China and India who had not signed.
Cari DeGustanti,
quest’anno il nostro appuntamento presso la Cooperativa Agricola La Fonte di Cercina, che ormai da due anni fa parte della nostra rassegna Luoghi DiVini , si terrà il 24 Giugno , per la festa di San Giovanni. Dalla fattoria si potranno anche ammirare i tradizionali fòchi , al riparo da code e folla, macchine e motorini che ogni anno invadono i lungarni Florence.
The cooperative is located just above Careggi, on the hills between Florence and Sesto Fiorentino, 1982 and is managed by the family Zorn . As a team, a group of disabled children, through work in the country, participating in all effects on the actual production of the farm and are fully integrated into the social life of the place. The farm is surrounded by olive groves and offers a very attractive view over Florence. The production is focused primarily on oil virgin, even though most of the work is absorbed by the small - but many - herds of animals: cows, horses, donkeys, goats and sheep, chickens ducks and geese, bees, pigeons, rabbits and pigs. Those who have already participated in previous years the dinners of the boys of the cooperative farm, knows that the experience and place transmit a unique energy, making the event exciting and memorable.
year, before dinner, you will have the opportunity to participate in a workshop to build kites . The workshop starts at 17:00, and you need not bring any equipment, just you leave a cost contribution to Maximilian, who will guide and help during construction, with all the necessary materials. And finally, wind permitting, the kites will take il volo!
Successivamente, serviremo l’aperitivo e la grigliata, per farvi assaggiare i prodotti della fattoria insieme ad altre specialità tipiche della zona... tutto innaffiato da vino e acqua in abbondanza. Il menu' della serata:
I Crostini Toscani alla 'cercinese';
La Fettunta con l’olio extravergine di produzione propria;
Gli Assaggi di Affettati (tra cui la finocchiona “sbriciolona” dei fratelli Messeri di Pratolino) e di pecorini dei produttori De Gustibus;
La Panzanella;
Le Grigliate: maialino, polli e conigli allevati in fattoria;
The mixed salad;
the crust and the Vin Santo.
:: DRINK::
From Chianti, the red and white wine producers of De Gustibus;
Price: 30 € for members, € 35.00 for non-members to be associated therefore, De Gustibus getting the card valid for 2009.
Donato Iozzelli - 335 1535965 - ;
Stefan Jocher - 349 2895233 - .
the Casino, 2 - 50019, CERCINA, Sesto Fiorentino (Florence) TEL. 055 402334 - INTERNET:
How to reach The Source: From
Careggi Viale Gaetano Pieraccini take and follow the signs to the Chapel to say farewell. Overcome them and stay on Via delle Masse and then up Via Dante da Castiglione for about 7 km to the square of the Parish S. Andrea in Cercina.
Dalla Via Bolognese, arrived at Pian di S. Bartolo, turn towards Cercina (left if coming from Florence) Via della Docciola. Continue for about 5 km to the square of the Parish of St. Andrea in Cercina. Parking in the square and walk up the path of Casina. The event takes place in the yellow farmhouse at No. 2 (100 meters).
You can also enter the address (Via della Casina, 2-50019 Cercina, Sesto Fiorentino) Google Maps ( ).
We look Degustanti!
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